n. birthday, date of birth Mohammad. МЕГ (меки, меке, мекер) n. fringe; forelock. МЕГЕР really?, is that so ?
(мегъуь, -е, -ер) n. acorn, fruit or seed of the oak tree.
n. oakery.
(-ди, -да, -ер) n. sour milk.
n. rail, handrail, banisters. МЕГЬРИБАН adj. tender, soft, gentle; sweet; bland. МЕГЬРИБАНВАЛ n. affability, amiability
also. мегьрибандаказ.
adv. socially. МЕГЬРИБАНДИЗ см. мегьрибандаказ. МЕГЬТЕР n. groom, stableman, ostler.
(мети, мете, метер) n. treacle; syrup.
n. medal; gong. МЕДИЦИНА n. medicine, physic. МЕДРЕСА n. madrasah.
n. jellyfish, Medusa, nettle fish.
n. interjection.
n. juice, fluid which can be extracted (as from fruit).
n. parliament; regimen.
n. tray; server; waiter.
(меци, меце, мецер) n. tongue, flexible muscular organ in the bottom of the mouth (used for tasting, swallowing and human speech); language, body of s
мез-гъвел ягъун v. palaver, chatter idly мез-гъвел яна секинарун set smb.'s mind at rest.
n. denomination, cult; persuasion, faith, confession; communion.
adj. comical, farcical; funny, amusing, humorous; derisive, ridiculous.
n. reproach, reproof, rebuke; admonition, call down, set down.
(-из, -на, меземмет ая) also. меземмет (меземмет авун).
n. field, lea; margin; brim.
n. fruit.
also. майил.