also. мукъаят.
also. мукъаятвал.
adj. careless, imprudent; incautious, indiscreet.
n. imprudence, indiscretion.
1. n. fellow-creature, fellow human being; 2. n. relative, family member, kinsman.
n. kin, kinsfolk, relatives.
1) n. nearness, closeness; neighborhood, neighborship; proximity, contiguity, vicinity; congeniality, affinity, intimacy; consanguinity, propinquity;
1. adj. impending, forthcoming, imminent; at hand; 2. adv. around.
adv. close by, near, next to, close, nearby; almost, nearly, closely.
adv. soon, within a short time; quickly; at the nearest opportunity.
adv. not far off.
prep. about, next to; around, approximately; beside, near, by; next; at.
n. experience; skill; acquired habit.
adv. diligently, industriously; in earnest.
1) adj. awkward, clumsy; inconvenient, troublesome; 2) adj. unschooled, unversed; young, inexperienced; inexpert
1) n. awkwardness, clumsiness; discomfort, uneasiness; 2) n. inexperience, lack of experience.
adj. awkward, clumsy; inconvenient, troublesome.
also. мукьуфсузвилслди.
n. scissors; clippers, shears.
n. icicle, hanging tapered mass of ice formed by the freezing of successive water droplets . МУЛД-ЦУЬК n
(-уни, -уиа, -ар) n. estate, extensive piece of land usually with a large house on it; land; ground.
(-ади, -ада, -ар) n. beeswax, wax, cobbler's wax.
n. aunt, sister of one's father or mother; мумад хва n. cousin, first cousin. МУМАЖ adj. soft, not firm; pliant, flexible; meek, timid; clement, n
n. midwife.
n. mummy.
adj. feasible, possible; conceivable, thinkable; probable, likely; apt.
n. possibility, chance, opportunity; ability, facility; potential.
adj. impossible.
n. impossibility; inability. МУНАФИКЬ n. hypocrite, dissembler, dissimulator. МУНАФИКЬВАЛ n. double game
adv. insincerely, hypocritically.
n. jam, confiture; marmalade; conserve, preserve.
n. want, desire; wish; will; aspiration, longing; appetite; mind; pleasure.
adj. complex, intricate; complicated, difficult; sophisticated, seasoned.
n. complexity, intricacy; multiplicity; nicety, delicateness.
also. мурдар.
1. adj. scoundrelly; mean; ignoble; sneaky; sleazy; 2. 1) n. scoundrel, rogue, rascal, villain; 2) n
n. abomination, villainy; filth, muck.
adv. blackguardly, cursedly, nastily. МУРДАРУН (-из, -на, мурдар ая) also. мурдар (мурдар авун). МУРЗ (мурцу, мурца, мурцар) n
(муркӀади, муркӀада, муркӀар).
also. мукӀрунцӀ.
n. muttering, mumbling, grumbling; мурмур авун v. grumble, growl, snarl; nag, pick at; gripe, complain
мурр-мурр авун v. purr; hum, croon.
(-у, -а, -ар) n. mold, mustiness, mildew, fungus.
1) n. apostate; recreant; defector; pervert, deviant; secessionist; 2) n. turncoat, renegade; pervert
1) n. betrayal, treason; apostasy; perfidy, treachery; recreancy, disloyalty; 2) n. defection, tergiversation; apostasy
adv. foully.