also. шуьмягъ.
(-у, -а, -ар) n. pit, hole; hollow. ФУРГЪУН n. wagon; van; caravan. ФУРГЪУНЧИ n. teamster; jehu, charioteer
onomatopoeia noise; фур-фур къачуна элкъуьн v. revolve, roll; screw, twist; twirl, whirl; spin, turn
(-уни, -уна, -ар) n. arrogance, pride; importance; self-conceit фурс квай инсан v. assume airs, peacock; swagger, flaunt; swell, puff; act the lord, m
фуртна фин v. dart away, move rapidly, whisk.
n. soccer, game in which players must cross into the end zone with the ball or kick the ball through two upright posts; football
футфа кутун a) v. incite, instigate; urge, goad; abet; solicit; poach; b) v. instigate, set on; set upon; etch; exterminate
n. troublemaker, mischief-maker.
n. provocation, incitement, instigation; abetment.
by provocation.
onomatopoeia sniff; фуф авун or фуф аладарун v. snort; chuckle; sniff.
also. фуф (фуф авун).
adj. working, laboring; operating; worker.
1) n. news, piece of news.
1. n. herald, crier, mouthpiece; 2. adj. informed; cognizant, aware; conversant; familiar; хабардар авун v
1). adj. ignorant, uninformed; incompetent, inexpert 2) adj. snap.
n. suddenness, abruptness.
also. хабарсуздаказ. ХАБАРСУЗДАКАЗ adj. Snap, suddenly, abruptly; plop, plump. ХАБАРСУЗДИЗ also. хабарсуздаказ
(-из, -на, -а) also. хабар 1) (хабар авун).
1) adj. brittle, friable; fragile, breakable; slight, delicate; also. . хун Ӏ;. 2) with calf; adj. in foal, with foal; also
n. sorrow, woe; affliction; mourning; хажалатдин adj. sad, gloomy; sorry, remorseful; mournful, grievous; хажалат авун or хажалатар авун v
adj. regrettable, sorrowful, causing grief and sadness, causing feelings of anguish.
v. be sad, grieve.
also. хажалатлудаказ. ХАЖАЛАТЛУДАКАЗ adv. ruefully; grievously; moodily. ХАЖАЛАТУН also. хажалат (хажалат авун)
ӀӀ (-ди, -да, -ар) n. fur, skin, coat, pelage.
Ӏ хун Ӏ, ӀӀ.
1) n. exchequer, treasury; chest, coffer; public purse, coffers; 2) n. buried treasure.
n. treasurer, bursar; paymaster; purse bearer.
1. n. betrayer, traitor, one who is disloyal or treacherous; 2, adj. disloyal, unfaithful, faithless; false; traitorous, treacherous; guileful, perfid
n. betrayal, treason; apostasy; perfidy, treachery; recreancy, disloyalty; хаинвал авун v. betray, hand over (to the enemy); sell out; fink, inform
also. хаиндаказ.
adv. foully.
also. хаин.
also. хаинвал.
v. precipice, brink of an abyss; abyss, yawning chasm; profundity, quality of having deep meaning. ХАЙИ Ӏ adj
n. carpet, rug, tapis.
(хкуни, хкуна, хкар) n. stake, picket.
1) n. birthmark, mole, beauty spot; 2) n. lichen, plant organism made up of a fungus and an alga which grow together on rocks (tree trunks, walls etc
1) n. aunt, sister of mother , халад руш cousin-german, first cousin; халад хва n. cousin, first cousin ); 3) n
also. хала 1) (халад хва).
n. robe; bathrobe, garment worn after bathing; dressing gown, loose robe worn before dressing or when lounging around the house
also. хелвет.
1) n. watermelon, large vine-grown fruit that has a tough green rind and sweet juicy reddish flesh; melon; халидин сал n
n. creator; maker.
adj. actual, substantial, real, tangible; current; factual.
also. халис.
n. authenticity, genuineness; originality; identity.
also. халисдаказ.