...1. məyus / naümid etmək: to ~ smb. bir kəsi məyus etmək; I was disappointed not to see him there Onu orada görə bilmədiyim üçün məyus oldum; 2. boşa
Tam oxu »to put someone in a melancholy frame of mind (to disappoint someone) настраиваить кого-либо на грустный лад (огорчать, причинять нравственную боль, об
Tam oxu »let him down / to fall short of his sexual expectations (to disappoint, frustrate a man) вертеть (крутить, вертануть, крутануть) динамо (скрываться от
Tam oxu »s. downcast, confused, disappointed; ~ olmaq to be* disappointed (at) / confused, to feel* / to be* upset (over); ~ etmək to disappoint (d.), to confu
Tam oxu »s. disappointed, depressed, aggrieved, sad, downcast, upset; ~ görünmək to look disappointed / depressed / sad / downcast; ~ etmək to upset (d.), to p
Tam oxu »s. depressed, dispirited, disappointed, disillusioned; sad, mournful, wistful; ~ vəziyyətdə olmaq to be* depressed; to be* in the blues; ~ etmək to di
Tam oxu »to take offence / to be offended (with) / to feel hurt / to be disappointed обидеться / разочароваться
Tam oxu »to be with a broken heart / disappointed / disillusioned / depressed / dispirited / hapless / ill-starred быть с разбитым сердцем
Tam oxu »to be deceived in one’s hope / to be disappointed in one’s expectations ирон. обмануться в своих ожиданиях, надежде
Tam oxu »i. shoes for babies: ◊ şeytana ~ tikmək ≅ to be* able to disappoint the devil, to be* unusually sly / cunning
Tam oxu »...теплоты en secondary heat source de Zusatzheizung fr chauffage d'appoint es calefacción adicional it riscaldamento addizionale
Tam oxu »...be greatly mistaken in someone / to be deceived in smth. / to be disappointed in smth. обманываться / заблуждаться; 2. to be tempted by соблазняться
Tam oxu »...auxiliary heating de elektrische Zusatzheizung fr chauffage d'appoint électrique es calefacción adicional eléctrica it riscaldamento addizionale elet
Tam oxu »s. disappointed; ~ olmaq to feel* disappointment; to suffer disappointments, to be* disappointed
Tam oxu ».../ to lose heart / to be crestfallen / to be low in spirits (to be disappointed) вешать нос (унывать, огорчаться)
Tam oxu »f. to get* downcast / confused / disappointed / upset, to become* downcast / confused / disappointed / upset
Tam oxu »f. to entice (d.), to tempt (d.), to disappoint (d. about, over); to allure (d.); to bait; bir kəsi yalan vədlərlə ~ to bait / to entice smb. with fal
Tam oxu »...disgrace / to fall into disesteem / to get / to become disrespectful / to be disappointed (in) / to be disillusioned (with) лишиться авторитета, уваж
Tam oxu »...heart / to be low in spirits (to be offended, hurt, crestfallen, disappointed) вешать нос на квинту / повесить нос (приходить в уныние, обижаться)
Tam oxu »to feel upset (over) / to be disappointed (at) / to be confused / to be upset сгорать от стыда / сгореть со стыда / кровь бросилась в лицо / краска ки
Tam oxu »...be* in low spirits, to be* out of spirits; damağına dəymək to disappoint (d.), to offend (d.), to hurt* smb.’s feelings; 3. mouth; papiros damağında
Tam oxu »...görünmək to seem offended; look hurt / offended; ~ olmaq to be* disappointed (with)
Tam oxu »...ovqatı ~ olmaq to feel* upset (over), to be* put out (over); to be* disappointed (at); to be* in low / bad spirits, to be* lowspirited
Tam oxu »...or ingrained in a surface; smut, sooty particle . ТӀАРХЬУН v. be disappointed, go from laughter and happiness to sadness and crying.
Tam oxu »...be* upset (over), to be* in bad humour, to be* in distress, to be* disappointed; d.d. to be* out of sorts; ~ını təlx etmək to upset* (d.), to put* ou
Tam oxu »...to rely (on); ~i boşa çıxmaq to be* disappointed (in), to be* disappointed (with); ~ini kəsmək to lose* hope, to be* unhopeful, zəif / dumanlı ~lər v
Tam oxu »...(incimək) to feel* hurt, to take* umbrage (at); ◊ həyatdan ~ to be* disappointed in life; to become* a pessimist; dünyadan ~ to take* a gloomy view o
Tam oxu »...struck out; (səhhətin pozulması) to be* shattered; bir şeydən ~ to be* disappointed (at) smth.
Tam oxu »n ümidsizlik, ümidi kəsilmə / boşa çıxma, məyusluq, məyus olma; to feel ~ məyusluq / ümidsizlik hiss etmək; to give smb
Tam oxu »adj 1. pis, təmin etməyən, kifayətlənməyən; 2. məyus / dilxor / pərişan edən; What disappointing news! Nə dilxor / pərişan edici xəbər!
Tam oxu »