(-ини, -ина, -ер) n. barberry, type of bush; fruit of this bush.
n. storey, floor, level in a building (alternate spelling for story); stage.
(-и, -е, -ер) 1) n. mattress, large rectangular pad made of soft or springy material that is placed on a bedframe or on the floor to sleep on, pad fil
n. bed, kip, pit, sack, roost.
adv. for example, e.g., for instance.
м мес - къуьж.
n. advice, counsel, guidance; recommendation, suggestion; soviet.
n. calm, peacefulness, quiet, tranquility; imperturbability, calmness, incapa bility of being easily disturbed or excited
also. меслятдаказ.
adv. easy, without great difficulty or effort; calmly, quietly; gently; evenly; leisurely. МЕСЛЯТДАЛДИ adv
n. incompliance, noncompliance; dissent, disagreement.
(-из, -на, меслят ая) also. меслят (меслят авун).
n. adviser, counselor, one who gives advice; councillor; monitor.
n. conciliation.
n. pronoun (Grammar), word used to replace nouns and noun phrases (she, we, this, etc.).
n. task, assignment; problem; exercise; goal, objective , n. problem, difficulty, situation that requires a solution; question (on a test)
(метӀи, метӀе, метӀер) n. knee, joint in the middle of the leg; bend; joint, toggle, node;
мет-кьил гатун v. lament, wail; snivel .
n. metal, any of several solid mineral elements (such as gold, silver, copper, etc.) that are malleable under heat or pressure and can conduct heat an
n. metallurgy, metallurgical engineering.
n. metaphor; image.
n. sauce, dressing; flavoring, seasoning; relish, condiment.
n. meteor, shooting star.
n. meteorology, science of atmospheric conditions and weather patterns.