(кьепӀини, кьепӀина, кьепӀер) n. cradle; nurse; home.
n. eyelid, lid.
adj. brave, courageous, fearless; daring, venturous, willing to take risks; nervy, bold.
n. courage, daring, bravery, ability to face danger without fear; audacity, boldness; resolve, firm decision
also. кьегьалдаказ.
adv. courageously, hardily, boldly.
n. shortage, lack, scarcity, deficit, deficiency.
also. кьегьятдаказ.
(-и, -е, -ер) n. humidity, moisture.
adj. wet, damp; dripping, sopping; soggy, soaked.
n. phlegm, mucus; sputum, saliva and other matter that is spat from the mouth; expectoration, expulsion of phlegm from the lungs or throat
(-из, -ена, кьежиж) v. get wet; be steeped.
(-из, -на, -а) v. wet, drench, soak; rot.
adj. light, not heavy; airy, ethereal; easy, effortless; ready; glib; mild, soft.
(-из, -на, -а) also. кьелечӀ 1) (кьелечӀ авун).