adj. ailing, sickly; weakly, feeble; puny.
(-и, -е, -ер) 1) . head, pate, uppermost part of the body containing the brain; brain; attic, garret; кьил акъат тийир adj
кьил-кьилел алай adj. reasonable, rational, logical; intelligent; understanding, comprehending.
кьил-кьилелай алатун or кьил-кьилелай фин v. disappear, be lost; go.
кьил-кьилик квай adj. intelligible, clear; explanatory.
кьил-тум авачир adj. entangled; cloudy, muddy adj. endless, eternal, infinite, interminable, everlasting, perpetual
adv. separately, apart; singly, individually; aside; in two; asunder; abstractedly.
adj. especial, special; extra; particular, specific; distinct; separate.
adv. quits, even, on equal terms (with neither person obligated to the other) кьилера- кьил хьун v. be quits
prep. about, next to; around, approximately; beside, near, by; next; at. КЬИЛИНПАЦАР n. somersault, forward or backward roll performed by the body
Ӏ (-е, -е, -ер) n. oath, vow, swear; adjuration; sacrament.
ӀӀ (рекьиз, кьена, йикь) 1)v. die, be dying, expire; depart, perish; go, pass, waste away; 2) v. kill, murder; slaughter, slay; 3) v
кьинер-агьтер кьун v. vow, swear, asseverate.
(-и, -а, -ар) n. decease, demise, death; departure; end n. homicide, murder, killing of a human being; assassination, premeditated murder; manslaughte
n. legend; story that has been handed down over generations and cannot be proved to be true or fictitious
n. revenge, vengeance.
n. narrator, storyteller.
adj. in short supply, scarce.
n. defect, deficiency; shortage, lack; failure; foible, weakness.
adv. insufficiently, deficiently, inadequately.
(-ре, -ре, -ер) n. mouse, small rodent with a long tail and a pointy face with little round ears; hand- size input device with buttons that when moved
also. кьеч.
adj. puny, weak.