adj. thrifty, economic, economical, frugal; parsimonious, husbandly; sparing, abstemious.
n. thrift, economizing.
adv. thriftily, economically, frugally, charily.
adj. economic; economical, saving, thrifty, frugal; managing.
(-из, -на, -а) also. кьенят (кьенят авун).
adv. stark naked, buck naked.
n. top, spinner, whirlabout, dreidel.
(-е, -е, -ер) n. watercourse, channel.
n. fruit, edible growth of plants; result, product; offspring; fetus.
adj. occasional, infrequent; far between, intermittently; unusual, uncommon; scarce; sparse, scanty.
n. fineness.
adv. rarely, seldom, infrequently, not often.
adv. occasionally; rarely; once in a while.
Ӏ (-ини, -ина, -ер) n. coat of mail, chain armor; hauberk .
ӀӀ n. hat, cap; bonnet; banner, large headline.