adj. pitiful, pathetic; miserable, wretched; poor, abject; squalid, sordid.
adj. obedient, submissive, following orders; amenable, tractable; docile, manageable .
(-из, -на, -а) also.муьтӀуьгъ (муьтӀуьгъ авун).
n. obedience; submission. МУЬТӀУЬГЪВИЛЕЛДИ also. муьтӀуьгъдаказ. МУЬТӀУЬГЪДАКАЗ adv. humbly.
adv. free, gratis, buckshee, free of charge; on the house. МУЬФТЕХУР n. sponger, chairwarmer, one who lives at the expense of others
n. like sponger, chairwarmer, one who lives at the expense of others.
(-уь, -е, -ер) n. shed; barn; depot; hangar.
1) n. client, buyer, customer; 2) n. matchmaker, marriage broker, one who arranges marriages by finding partners who are suitable for each other; moth
1). adj. strong, sturdy, robust; substantial, firm; refractory, tenacious; rude. 2) adv. strongly, tightly, firmly; fixedly, steadily; home, deeply
(-из, -на, -а) also. мягькем (мягькем авун).
1) n. durability, lastingness, stability, solidity, permanence; endurance, fortitude; 2) n. stability, steadiness, fixity, mental ballast
also. мягькемдаказ.
1) adv. fixedly; substantially; fast 2) adj. unbending, unyielding, inflexible, rigid.
adj. unstable, insecure; insubstantial, flimsy; fragile.
n. frailness.
also. мягькемсуздаказ.
rather weak, not strong.
n. street, road; outdoors; also. . магъал.
adj. marvelous.
(-из, -на, -а) also. мягьтел (мягьтел авун).
n. bewilderment, perplexity, quandary.
in surprise.
also. магьфе.
n. colliery, coal mine; mine, excavation in the earth for the purpose of digging out certain substances
n. splendor, magnificence, grandeur.
n. haberdashery, store which sells men's clothing and accessories; fancy articles .
n. boot; riding boot.
meow, miaow, mew.
n. sugar, sweet crystalline substance derived from sugar cane and sugar beets (used mainly to flavor foods); any of a number of water-soluble crystall
n. plant; grower; herb.
n. set, suit; conscription; kit, outfit; typesetting, composition; selection; buckle.
n. compositor, typesetter (Printing).
1. adj. ugly, monstrous, malformed; unhandsome, unsightly, deformed; 2. n. monster, deformed person, freak
n. ugliness, monstrosity; deformity, disfigurement; abnormality.
adv. baldly.
n. navigation; sailing, act of operating and navigating a sailboat.
n. equinox, either of two times in a year when the sun crosses the celestial equator; either of the two points at which the sun's path intersects
n. bridegroom, groom; fiance; steady.
conj. if; supposing; when; subject to.
n. revolver.