adj. aged, elderly, old; ancient, very old, archaic; olden, of old times; used, not new .
n. old age, elderly period of life; anility, poor body function due to old age.
n. old man, elderly gentleman.
(-уьни, -уьна, -ер) n. pitchfork, hayfork; fork, prong.
(-уь, -е, -ер) n. foot; ream; кьуьл гун v. set foot, trample, tread down; кьуьл илисун n. bunt; kick; dig, jab; кьуьл эцягъун or кьуьл къекъягъун v
(-из, -на, куьл ая) also. кьуьл 3) (кьуьл авун).
(-уь, -е, -ер) 1) n. elbow, joint located in the middle of the human arm; 2) n. crossing, intersection; conjunction; turning; crossroads
(-уь, -е, -ер) n. shop, store, trade; bench.
n. brood hen, clocking hen, bird that sits on eggs in order to hatch them.
n. stunt, daring feat; trick, prank; juggle, deceit.
n. conjuror, juggler; illusionist, magician, wizard.
(хъуьчӀуь, хъуьчӀе, хъуьчӀер) 1) n. armpit, axilla, part of the body directly below where the arm attaches to the body (Anatomy); хъуьчӀуьк кьун adv
also. кьекьел.
n. anvil, heavy block on which metal is hammered; incus, middle of the three bones of the ear (Anatomy)
(-у/-ра/-ди, -а/-ра/-да, -ар) n. silkworm, variety of moth larva that spins a cocoon made of silk fibers; кӀазун гъуьлягъ n
(ккӀа, ккӀар) n. alley, lane; backstreet; side street.
n. eyelash, lash.
n. element; echelon; member; nexus, means of connection.
n. model, example, pattern, template, exemplar; one who models (clothing, etc.); one who sits as a subject for an artist; replica, miniature; paragon,