also. лайихлудаказ.
adv. worthily.
1) adj. unworthy; ignominious; reproachful; undignified; 2) adj. indecent, obscene; immodest; tasteless, offensive; unseemly, improper
n. salacity; scurrility, obscenity; immodesty, indecency.
also. лайихсуздаказ.
unworthy; ignominious; reproachful; undignified.
lullaby, soothing song sung to children at bedtime.
ӀӀӀ (-ди, -да, -ар) n. varnish, lacquer, polish.
ӀӀ (-ади, -ада, -ар) cattle excrement.
Ӏ (-уни, -уна, -ар) n. garden-bed, piece of ground where plants are grown; ridge.
n. niche, recess.
n. spot, roundish stain; dot, speck; smirch, smear.
n. nickname, sobriquet, alias, moniker.
adj. dumb, mute; speechless; silent.
adj. tongue-tied, does not know what to say.
n. tongue-tie; dyslalia, speech impairment caused by brain damage or a mental disorder .
n. dumbness, muteness.
also. лаал.
Ӏ (-ра, -ра, -ар) n. donkey, ass, domesticated animal related to the horse (commonly used as a beast of burden)
ӀӀ (-ра, -ра, -ар) n. wood louse, multiped. ЛАМ ӀӀӀ n. dampness, moistness, humidity, wetness. ЛАМАР n
n. leapfrog, children's game which is played by jumping one by one over the backs of kneeling players
adj. bad, inferior; poor, miserable; cheap; shady; amiss.
n. dirt, filth; dirty trick, beastliness. ЛАМАТӀВИЛЕЛДИ adv. blackguardly, cursedly, nastily. ЛАМПА n
adj. humid, moist, damp; wet; poachy, soft; weeping.
n. humidity, moisture, dampness; wet, damp. ЛАМУДАКАЗ adj. humid, moist, damp; wet; poachy, soft; weeping
also. намус.
n. landscape, view.
n. clap, sudden loud noise, bang; act of applauding.
also. лаш.
adv. extremely, exceedingly; vastly, enormously; utterly; blankly.
n. ram; sheep; лапагар n. cattle, oxen.
n. splash, swash. ЛАРПӀ-ЛАРПӀ also. ларпӀ. ЛАРХЪУН also. ланхъун. ЛАСТИК n. eraser, rubber.
(-а, -а, -ар) 1 n. block, chunk, chump, wood block; deck, full set of playing cards; pack 2) n. bath; bathtub, tub; vat; puddle
n. Latin, Ӏtalic language which was the official language of the Roman Empire.
n. laureate, prize holder.
adj. decrepit, infirm; senile; ramshackle.
n. clod, grume.
n. copperas, sulfate of iron (chemical substance); vitriol, sulfuric acid (Archaic).
adj. rotten; лахъу хьун v. become rotten, become foul.
adj. rotten.
adj. white, whitey; lily; blanch; Caucasian; лацу ранг n. ceruse, pigment made from white lead; parget; white; лацу якӀарин n
n. whiteness, white.
also., лацу (лацу авун).
adv. clean, without corrections and erasures.
also. лацудаказ.
n. falcon, type of predatory bird which hunts during the day (characterized by a sharp beak and strong claws); battering ram; slice bar
(-уии, -уна, -ар) n. stick, cane; bevel; discipline; лаш гун or лаш ягъун v. beat, strike, punch; thrash, lick, whip