
1. (yeri deyil, məqamı deyil) that’s a different matter altogether / Cf. what has it got to do with that? / this is another pair of shoes / to be far off the mark / to be wide of the mark / to get the wrong sow by the ear / not to be a pleasure for someone / to miss the point by a mile / out of place (unnecessary) / beside the mark / beside the point / beside the question / out of keeping with the place / out of keeping with the time / it isn’t the right thing / this isn’t the place for smth. / it’s no go / unwelcome / it is out of place here / that’s neither here nor there / out of place / for no reason at all / quite irrelevantly (smth. needless, unnecessary) это не в ту степь / попасть пальцем в небо / не катит / не к месту / не у места / не в жилу / мимо кассы / не пришей кобыле хвост / не пришей не пристегни (не на тему, не к месту, не о том речь); 2. (tamamilə yersiz, münasibətsiz) to be (become, turn up, prove, etc.) ill-suited (undesirable) / not to fit in / to remain an outsider / for no apparent reason / for no reason at all / apropos of nothing / Cf. not to suit the book of someone / neither here nor there / quite (just) out of the blue (utterly irrelevant, quite irrelevantly) не ко двору / ни к селу ни к городу (не соответствовать чьим-либо требованиям, условиям); 3, (heç bir səbəbsiz) for no apparent (good) reason / for no reason at all ни к чему (без всякого повода, причины)
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