adv çəp, çəpəki, çəpinə, köndələn; to look ~ 1) çəp / çəpəki baxmaq; 2) əyri-əyri / şübhəli baxmaq
Tam oxu »to look askew / to look aslant (at) / to look awry / to look asquint / to glance with askance at someone смотреть косо / смотреть искоса (смотреть с н
Tam oxu »v 1. tanış etmək; to ~ smb. with smth. bir kəsi bir şeylə tanış etmək; 2. tanış olmaq; to ~ oneself with the situation vəziyyətlə tanış olmaq
Tam oxu »adv. slantwise, obliquely, askew; askant, asquint, with a sideways glance; awry.
Tam oxu »v 1. (-tt-) (of) təmizə çıxartmaq, bəraət vermək, haqq qazandırmaq; He was acquitted of the crime Onun cinayətdə əli olmadığını etiraf etdilər; 2
Tam oxu »Ӏ 1. adj. skew, slanting; sidelong, oblique; cross-eyed, squint; чап вилер авайди adj. squint, cross- eyed (Ophthalmology); 2. 1) adv. slantwise, obli
Tam oxu »I. s. slanting, skew, oblique; (göz) squint, squinting, (adam) squint-eyed; ~ baxış scowl ing look, sidelong glance II. z. aslant, askew, asquint, obl
Tam oxu »...bax səs-səmirsiz; 2. (etirazsız) without a word (a murmur) / wthout arguing / without demur без звука (без возражений, без лишних слов)
Tam oxu »n 1. çaşlıq, çəpgözlük; 2. oğrun baxış; ani nəzər; Have a squint at this Buna nəzər sal/salın
Tam oxu »There is no arguing with a large fist. / Might is right. / One cannot swim against the tide. / What may the mouse do against the cat. / Oaks may fall
Tam oxu »to acquaint someone with the facts of the case (matter) / to put someone in the way of things / Cf. to show someone the ropes / to put someone up to t
Tam oxu »f. to make* oneself familiar (with), to acquaint / familiarize oneself (with), to get* to know (d.)
Tam oxu »adj. known; acquainted, familiar; au fait; чирхчир авун v. acquaint, introduce; meet; initiate; чирхчир хьун v. learn; meet, encounter.
Tam oxu »f. to screw up; to squint; gözü ~ to screw up; to squint; (günəşdən) to squint in the sunlight
Tam oxu »...slanting; sidelong, oblique; cross-eyed, squint; вилер цӀидга adj. squint, cross-eyed (Ophthalmology).
Tam oxu »to look at someone or smth. from the corner of one’s eye / to squint at someone or smth. out of the corner of one’s eye / to glance over смотреть (наб
Tam oxu »adj. skew, slanting; sidelong, oblique; cross-eyed, squint; чапрас вилер авай adj. squint, cross-eyed (Ophthalmology).
Tam oxu »s. 1. squint, squinting, cast in the eye; ~ a squint-eyed man; ~ 2. məc.: bewilderment, perplexity; ~ qalmaq to be* puzzled / perplexed, to be* at a l
Tam oxu »...xatırlatmalı oluram; 2. həmişə, daim, daima; They're continually arguing Onlar həmişə / daim mübahisə edirlər
Tam oxu »f. haqq ~ to justify (d.); (məhkəmədə) to acquit (d.); Siz bu hərəkətinizə necə haqq qazandıra bilərsiniz? How can you justify your behaviour? hörmət
Tam oxu »...wrangle (with), squabble (with); Siz nə çənələşirsiniz? What are you arguing about?
Tam oxu »...yamaclarda, onların su ilə doyması nəticəsində baş verir. aсеквентные оползни asequent landslides
Tam oxu »...half-portion / pint-size / pipsqueak / feather merchant / runt / shrimp / squirt / crumb / midget / peewee / a lofty iron аршин с шапкой (мал ростом)
Tam oxu »1. adj. impertinent, impudent, insolent, smart alecky; 2. n. squirt, insolent fellow.
Tam oxu »сущ.; -е, -е къен авай затӀ тамамдаказ ацгун тавуна амай ва я тунвай чка. Стакандиз чай цайила, адан сивел са тӀимил гел тур. Р. Вегь руфуниз кап
Tam oxu »n. squint, strabismus, abnormality in which the eyes are unable to focus together on the same object due to a muscular imbalance (Ophthalmology).
Tam oxu »f. to squirt (d.); O, suyu üstümə fışqırtdı He / She squirted the water over me
Tam oxu »...You can’t knock your head against a stone wall. / There is no arguing with a large fist. / You can’t knock down a wall with a pea-shooter. / Lit. A w
Tam oxu »Might is right. / There is no arguing with a large fist. / Cf. One cannot swim against the tide. / What may the mouse do against the cat. / Oaks may f
Tam oxu »...baxmaq (müst. və məc.) to look askew / aslant (at), to look awry / asquint, to look / to glance with askance (at); ~ oturmaq to sit* sideways / sidel
Tam oxu »...of a bad bargain (business, job) / to make the best of it / to acquit oneself well / to come out on top / to come up to scratch / have done oneself p
Tam oxu »...(from), to gush (out of / forth from), to spring* forth, to squirt; (püskürmək) to erupt; Onun yarasından qan fışqırırdı Blood was spurting from / gu
Tam oxu »...of a bad bargain (business, job) / to make the best if it / to acquit oneself well / to come out on top / to come up to scratch / to have done onesel
Tam oxu ».../ to make the best of business / to make the best of it / to acquit oneself well / to come out on top / to come up to scratch / have done oneself pro
Tam oxu »...of a bad bargain (business, job) / to make the best if it / to acquit oneself well / to come out on top / to come up to scratch / to have done onesel
Tam oxu »...unscrupulous; unabashed, unashamed; machiavellian; ягьсуз кас n. squirt, insolent fellow; 2. n. shameless man; ягьсуз хьун v. become impudent. ЯГЬСУЗ
Tam oxu »...unscrupulous; unabashed, unashamed; machiavellian; ягьсуз кас n. squirt, insolent fellow; 2. n. shameless man; ягьсуз хьун v. become impudent. ЯГЬСУЗ
Tam oxu »...(scientific) debate; lüzumsuz / əhəmiyyətsiz ~ useless argument, mere arguing; ~ açmaq to start an argument; ~ etmək 1) to argue (about, against), to
Tam oxu » off at the mouth / Amer. to open one’s face (to begin talking, arguing, shouting, etc.) расстегнуть рот / расстегнуть глотку / открыть (разинуть)
Tam oxu »...(scientific) debate, argumentation; boş-boş ~ useless argument, mere arguing; ~yə girişmək to get* into argument; (qəzetdə) to enter into polemics (w
Tam oxu »...(with, against, about) mübahisə etmək, bəhs etmək; What are you arguing about? Sən / Siz nə barədə mübahisə edirsən / edirsiniz?; 2. dəlil / sübut gə
Tam oxu » know smb.; muzeylə ~ olmaq to see* the museum; ~ etmək to acquaint (d. with); (təqdim etmək mənasında) to introduce (d. to); bir kəsi şəhərlə ~ et
Tam oxu »...(majoration f) ; ~un inflyasiyası infation f ; ~un hamısını aldım pour acquit ; ~unu hissə-hissə ödəmək payer par accompte (par tempérament) ; ~unu h
Tam oxu »