n 1. kiçik şəhər; yaşayış məntəqəsi; müəyyən hüquqlara malik olan məntəqə / ərazi; Parliamentary ~ ingilis parlamentində təmsil olunan şəhər; 2
Tam oxu »adj 1. tam, başa çatdırılmış; a ~ investigation tam / başa çatdırılmış istintaq; 2. mükəmməl, dəqiq; a ~ analysis mükəmməl / dəqiq təhlil; 3
Tam oxu »through1 adj 1. birbaşa, düz; ~ service birbaşa əlaqə; ~ train birbaşa (gedən) qatar; ~ flight birbaşa uçuş; 2. maneəsiz, sərbəst; ~ passage sərbəst k
Tam oxu »rough1 n 1. qaba, kobud, ədəbsiz, nəzakətsiz (adam), xuliqan, dələduz; a gang of ~s xuliqanlar / dələduzlar dəstəsi; 2. ilkin forma; His plans are in
Tam oxu »what the deuce brings him (her) here? / what ill wind has brought him (her) here? / what bad luck has brought him (her) here? нелёгкая принесла / нелё
Tam oxu »Lit. have come through fire, water, and copper pipes / Cf. have been through fire and flood and hell upon earth / have been through the mill / have be
Tam oxu »Lit. have come through fire, water, and copper pipes / Cf. have been through the mill / have been through very hell пройти сквозь огонь и воду (и медн
Tam oxu »Lit. have come through fire, water, and copper pipes / Cf. have been through the mill / have been through very hell пройти сквозь огонь и воду и медны
Tam oxu »...görünmək, zühur etmək; It was a cloudy day, but the sun at last broke through Buludlu bir gün idi, lakin nəhayət günəş göründü; 2. çox əhəmiyyətli kə
Tam oxu »1. bax dərbədər olmaq; 2. have come through fire, water, and copper pipes / have gone through fire and flood and hell upon earth / have been through t
Tam oxu »we have come through fire, water, and copper pipes /we have gone through fire and flood and hell upon earth / we have been through the mill / we have
Tam oxu »I have come through fire, water, and copper pipes / I have gone through fire and flood and hell upon earth / I have been through the mill / I have bee
Tam oxu »what wind has brought someone here? / what bring someone here? / what’s blown someone in? каким ветром (какими ветрами) занесло
Tam oxu »what wind has brought someone here? / what bring someone here? / what’s blown someone in? каким ветром (какими ветрами) занесло
Tam oxu »to come when someone else has got things going / to have it brought in on a tray приходить (идти, прийти) на готовое (готовенькое)
Tam oxu »...honest / acquired / conscientious / painstaking / well-bred / well brought-up man (a good man or woman of an honest family) честный / добросовестный
Tam oxu »adj başdansovma, tələm-tələsik / atüstü / tələsik edilmiş; to do smth. in a ~ manner bir şeyi tələm-tələsik etmək
Tam oxu »...brings him (her, etc.) here? / what ill wind (bad luck) has brought him (her, etc.) here? чёрт (бес, леший, нелёгкая) несёт (принёс / принесла) (о ко
Tam oxu »to chop off the limb of the tree one sits on / to saw off the bough on which one is sitting рубить сук, на котором сидишь
Tam oxu »f. 1. to be* brought; Şəhərə ordu yeridildi The troops were brought into the town; 2. tib. to be* injected, to be* given an injection
Tam oxu »...one’s blood rose in a jet / the colour rushed to one’s cheeks / it brought a blush to one’s cheeks / one’s face was flushed кровь бросилась (кинулась
Tam oxu »...through carelessness; ~ səhvə yol vermək to make* a mistake through carelessness
Tam oxu »qoş. because of; on account of; through; onun ~ because of him / her; tənbəllik ~ through laziness; ehtiyatsızlıq ~ through carelessness; yağış ~ on a
Tam oxu »s. rough, rugged, bumpy, uneven; ~ yol bumpy / rough road; ~ dəri rough skin; ~ səth rough surface; sifət a rugged face
Tam oxu »fi. 1. (vəzifədə) being advanced / promoted; 2. (uşaq) being brought up; 3. (heyvan) being bred up
Tam oxu »...of the box; dənizin ~ out of the sea; 2. through; meşənin ~ through the forest; Biz meşənin içindən keçdikWe passed through the forest
Tam oxu »f. 1. to be* brought up; 2. (bitki) to be* cultivated / raised; 3. (heyvan) to be* reared / bred
Tam oxu »...subjection; submission; ~də olmaq to be* subordinate (to), to be* brought into subjection
Tam oxu »i. governor; a person who brought up children (boys) of the rich families; undertutor (and attendant)
Tam oxu »...accomplishments, knowledge, comprehension; ~ sahibi polite / well-bred / well-brought up man*
Tam oxu »f. to be* pressed / oppressed; to be* driven into a corner, to be* brought to bay
Tam oxu »f. 1. (aşağı endirilmək) to be* lowered / reduced; to be* brought down; 2. (təhqir edilmək) to be* humiliated / abased
Tam oxu »I. s. well-bred, well-brought up; courteous, polite; ~ davranış well-bred behaviour II. z. courteously, politely
Tam oxu »...1. panel; 2. tray filled with different sweets and fruits, etc. brought to the bride on the day of betrothal
Tam oxu »I. i. (müxt. mənalarda) branch; bough II. s. qram. subordinate; ~ cümlə subordinate clause
Tam oxu »n məhkəmə prosesi / işi; He brought a lawsuit against them O onların əleyhinə məhkəmə işi qaldırdı, O onları məhkəməyə verdi
Tam oxu »f. to be* brought smth. to smb.’s notice, to be* informed smb. of smth., to let* smb. know of (about d.) smth.
Tam oxu »f. to be* connected (with), to be* brought into connection (with), to be* linked (with); (mənaca) to be* associated (with); (uzlaşdırılmaq) to be* coo
Tam oxu »i. 1. (adam) to be* brought up; 2. (bitki) to be* grown / cultivated; 3. (heyvan) to be* reared / bred; 4. (genişləndirmək) to be* enlarged; 5. (vəzif
Tam oxu »n. chew, chaw; cud, small amount of food brought up to the mouth from the first stomach to be chewed a second time (in ruminants).
Tam oxu »n. chew, chaw; cud, small amount of food brought up to the mouth from the first stomach to be chewed a second time (in ruminants).
Tam oxu »n. chew, chaw; cud, small amount of food brought up to the mouth from the first stomach to be chewed a second time (in ruminants).
Tam oxu »...diqqətsizlikdən, diqqətsizlik ucbatından, təsadüfən, qeyri-ixtiyari; I brought back his keys which I had inadvertetitly put in my pocket Mən onun diq
Tam oxu »...slowly, but they grind exceedingly small. / At length the fox is brought to the furrier. / At the run comes the fall. / Truth will out. Сколько верёв
Tam oxu »