f. 1. (itələmək) to push (d.); 2. (əzmək) to crush (d.), to press (d.); düyməni ~ to press / to push the button; 3. (qalib gəlmək) to defeat (d.), to come* over (d.), to fight* down (d.); 4. (alaq basmaq) to be* overgrown (with); 5. (nəqliyyat vasitəsilə) to run* over (d.), to knock down (d.); 6. (su basmaq); to flood; Şaxtanı su basdı The shaft was flooded; 7. (qar) to cover (d.); Yeri qar basmışdı Snow covered the ground; 8. tər ~ to break* into a sweat; 9. (çap etmək) to print (d.); ◊ ayaq ~ to go* (to), to visit (d.); 10. (suya) to dip (d.); bir kəsi suya ~ to give* smb. a dip; 11. (papağı) to pull; papağı gözünün üstünə ~ to pull one’s cap over one’s eyes


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