кьияр атун n. epilepsy, falling sickness. КЬУДАЛ 1) on all fours; 2) кьудал катун v. gallop. КЬУДАЛДИ also
v. liken, assimilate, compare.
n. eighty; fourscore; кьуд-къад лагьай or кьудкъад лагьайди adj. eightieth; кьуд- къанни цӀуд n. ninety
adv. fourfold, times four.
n. humus, rich soil formed from decayed matter; muck, compost.
(хъукьра, хъукьра, хъукьар) n. bustard (type of bird); ♦ биши кьукь n. grey hen, hen. КЬУКЬМА n. snuff, snuffy, powdered tobacco that is inhaled throu
(-уни, -уна, -ар) n. board, plank; table, screen; billboard; clapboard; пенжер-дин кьулар n. blind.
n. bosom; sinus; axil; hollow.
1. adj. mean, average; middle; medium; moderate; neutral; mesial, medial; кьулан стха middle brother; 2
n. backbone, spine; vertebra, segments of bone which form the spinal column.
n. midnight, twelve o'clock at night, 12:00 A.M.; middle of the night.
n. mousetrap, mouse snare, trap for catching mice.
n. compass; girth.
adj. flat, plane; level; vapid; platitudinous.
кьулу-кьулухъ авун v. move back.
adv. behind; after; abaft, in the direction of the stern (Nautical).
Ӏ (кьаз, -а, яхъ) 1v. hold, keep; carry; rest; poise; гъиле кьун get a person on the hip, have a person on the hip; 2) v
ӀӀ n. needle; knitting needle; spoke. КЬУН ӀӀӀ (-а, -а, -ар) n. goat, billy goat. КЬУНУКЬ also. кьун Ӏ 1)
n. niche, recess.
ӀӀӀ n. aridity, dryness; drought, lack of rain; кьур акъудун v. dry, parch; bake; drain; sap; season; air
ӀӀ (-у, -ак, -ар) 1) n. awning, covering which provides shade over doors or windows; penthouse, prestigious apartment on the top floor; overhang, proj
Ӏ кьун Ӏ.
adj. arid, dry; droughty, rainless.
n. drought; dry.