adj. jerked, sun dried.
n. aridity, dryness; drought, lack of rain.
n. lead, plumbum, heavy metallic element (Chemistry).
also. кьуьртӀуь.
adj. dry, not wet; dried, having moisture removed; withered, parched; sapless, juiceless; sec, not sweet (of wine); chilly, cool; husky, hoarse; jejun
adv. eat cold food.
also. кьурудаказ.
(-аз, -ана, кьурукь) v. dry, wither; parch up.
(-из, -на, -а) v. dry, parch; bake; drain; sap; season; air. КЬУРУШ n. mud, mire; dirt, filth; squalor, filthiness; ordure; impurity
n. wrestling; fighting, struggle; contention, strife; duel; fray, skirmish.
n. oar, paddle.
n. malt, barley or other grain that has been allowed to sprout in preparation for brewing; grist, grain which has been ground
(-уни, -уна, -ар) n. nave, hub, center of a wheel.
n. lion heart.
n. advantage, benefit; profit, gain; dividend, interest.
n. breech band.
also. кьушун.
n. army, host, cohort; пияда кьушун n. infantry; foot; балкӀанрал алай кьушун n. cavalry, troops that serve on horseback
n. plow, farming tool used for cutting into the ground; arable, cultivatable; tilth, act of tilling or cultivating land
n. hedgehog, urchin, small mammal with spiny hairs on its back and sides (found in Africa and Eurasia)
(хъуьтӀуь, хъуьтӀе, хъуьтӀер) n. winter, season between autumn and spring; winter tide, winter time; кьуьд акъудун v
n. elder; ancient; recluse, hermit.