(-ди, -да, -ар) 1. cərrah (həkim); 2. köhn. sınıqçı, ara həkimi.
араб, сущ.; -ди, -да; -ар, -ри, -ра 1) азарар хкуддай, тӀалар акъвазардай дарманар чидай кас. Къафкъаздани хъсан жерягьар ава
Tam oxu »n. bonesetter, one who sets broken bones; chiropractor, one who practices chiropractic (therapeutic treatment of disease through the manipulation of t
Tam oxu »n. bonesetter, one who sets broken bones; chiropractor, one who practices chiropractic (therapeutic treatment of disease through the manipulation of t
Tam oxu »