f. to get* / to become* tattered / ragged, to tear; Bu parça tez didiklənir This material tears easily
f. to get* / to become* tattered / ragged; to be* scutched, to tear
s. bax didik-didik
f. to be* torn at / up, to be* tattered
f. to tear* at (d.); to tear* (d.) to pieces, to tatter (d.); Dalaşan qızlar birbirini dırnaqları ilə didişdirdilər The fight ing girls tore at each o
fi. 1. (it, quş və s.) fight, fighting; 2. məc. bickering, wrangle, squabble; ~ salmaq to start a fight; to start a squabble
f. 1. (it, quş və s.) to fight; 2. məc. to bicker, to wrangle, to squabble; Bu iki uşaq həmişə bir-birilə didişir The two chil dren are always bickeri
f. 1. (yunu, pambığı) to scutch (d.), to swingle (d.); 2. to tear* up (d.), to tear (d.) to pieces; 3
s. differential; ~ tənlik differential equation
i. fiz. diffusion
I. i. tib. diphtheria II. s. tib. diphtheria; diphtheric, diphtherical
i. tib. diphtheria
i. dilç. diphthong; the sound is a diphthong
fi. diphthongization, becoming diphthong
f. diphthongize
i. the state of being a diphthong
I. i. other; O heç vaxt digərlərinin haqqında düşünmür He / She never thinks of / about others II. s
I. i. height, hillock II. s. 1. sheer, vertical, steep; ~ qaya sheer / vertical cliff; ~ nərdivan steep stair case; 2
z.: ~ baxmaq to look steadily
I. i. pigheaded / stubborn / obstinate person II. s. 1. defiant, obstinate, stubborn, pigheaded; ~ adam pigheaded / stubborn person; 2
i. persistence, inpudence, insolence; d.d. cheek, sauce; ~ etmək to be* obstinate, to persist, to display impudence / insolence
z. impudently, insolently
i. bax dikbaşlıq
s. snub-nosed; ~ qız a snub-nosed girl
s. bax dikburun
I. i. high-heeled shoes II. s. highheeled; ~ ayaqqabı high-heeled shoes pl
i. hillock, hill
f. 1. to be* straightened; 2. to be* raised
f. to stand* erect, to draw* oneself up; to raise oneself (a little)
f. bax dikəltmək
f. to straighten (d.); to help / to assist smb. to raise oneself up
z. upright, erect, vertically; ~ qoymaq to put* / to place upright / vertically
f. 1. to become* / to grow* upright; 2. to go* upward; to climb a mountain / hill
f. to become* / to get* high (a bit)
f.: gözünü ~ 1) to stare (at), to fix one’s eyes on, to gaze on; 2) to pin / to set* one’s hopes (on), to repose / to place one’s hopes (in); gözünü y
f. 1. (qorxutmaq) to scare (d.) / to frighten (d.) away; (quşu) to put* up (d.), to flush (d.); 2. (iyrəndirmək) to disgust (d
f. 1. (qorxmaq) to be* frightened / startled (with); (at) to shy (at), to take* fright (of); 2. (iyrənmək) to feel* disgust, to be* squeamish (about)
i. articulation, enunciation; aydın ~ clear articulation; yaxşı ~ good articulation; pis ~ poor / bad articulation
i. dictates
I. i. dictator II. s. dictatorial; ~ hökmdar dictatorial ruler
i. dictatorship; ~ etmək to rule (d.) dictatorially, to be* a dictator
i. dictatorship; proletar ~sı dictatorship of proletariat
i.: ~ etmək to dictate (d., to, d. i.); öz iradəsini ~ etmək to dictate one’s will
i. dictaphone
i. announcer; ~ olmaq to be* an announcer
i. the job / profession of an announc er; ~ etmək to be* an announcer, to work as an announcer
i. attention, heed; notice; note; ~ vermək to pay* attention (to), to take* notice (of); to take* heed (of), to give* / to pay* heed (to); bir kəsin ~
s. worth notice, worthy of note, deserving attention; remarkable, noteworthy, notable
s. bax diqqətəlayiq
z. attentively, carefully, intently; ~ oxumaq to read* attentively / carefully