s. improvident, careless
z. improvidently; carelessly
i. payment; paying
i. payer
i. investigation; research; exploration; ~ etmək to investigate (d.); to explore (d.); Arktikanın ~i exploration of the Arctic Region; kosmik fəzanın
I. i. investigation (of); research (into); exploration (of); elmi ~ scientific research; ~ aparmaq to investigate, to research; to explore (d
i. investigator; (ölkə tədqiq edən) explorer; ~ olmaq to be* an investigator; to be* an explorer
i. the business of an investigator; the profession of an explorer
z. gradually, little by little, bit by bit
I. s. gradual; ~ dəyişiklik gradual change / transition II. z. bax tədricən
i. graduality
I. i. teaching, training II. s. educational; school; training; ~ müəssisəsi educational institution / establishment; ~ vəsaiti training appliance; sch
i. surprise, wonder, wonderment, amazement; ~ etmək / qalmaq to be* surprised (at), to be* amazed (at), to get* surprised (at)
z. surprisingly, wonderfully; amazingly
f. to be* caused to get surprised / amazed (at)
f. to surprise (d.), to amaze (d.)
f. to be* / to get* surprised / amazed (at)
s. surprising; amazing; Təəccüblüdür ki,... It is surprising that...; Təəccüblü deyil ki, ... No wonder that
i. commitment; obligation, engagement; qarşılıqlı ~ mutual commitment; ~ü yerinə yetirmək to meet* one’s commitment / engagement, to carry out one’s o
s. (i.s.) with commitment
i. a letter of commitment
s. (i.s.) without commitment / engagement
i. 1. fanaticism; 2. partiality (to, for), bias (towards)
i. bax təəssübkeş
i. bax təəssübkeşlik
i. fanatic
i. fanaticism
i. regret; grief; ~ ünü bildirmək / ifadə etmək to express one’s regret; ~ hissi feeling of regret; ~ etmək to regret, to be* sorry (about); bir kəsin
z. regretfully
f. to regret; to be* sorry about (a sad factor / event); Bir kəsin ölümünə ~ to regret someone’s death; Mən çox təəssüf edirəm I do regret
s. regretful, sorry
i. emotion
i. impression, effect; feeling; dərin ~ deep impression
s. impressionable, sensitive
s. (i.s.) without impression, impressionless
i. bax fərq
i. thinking; thought, mentality; ~ün varlığa münasibəti the relation of thinking to being
i. detail; ~a varmaq to go* into detail(s); ~ı ilə in every detail; ən xırda ~ına qədər to the smallest detail
i. 1. disunity, split, dissent; dostlar arasında ~ a split among friends; partiyada ~ a split in the party; 2
i. 1. dissident, dissenter; siyasi ~ political dissident; 2. din. schismatic
I. i. bax təfriqə II. s. splitting, breakaway; ~ siyasəti breakaway policy; ~ fəaliyyəti splitting activities
i. detail; ~a varmaq to go* into detail(s); ~ı ilə in every detail, in detail; əhvalatı ~ı ilə danışmaq to detail the story
z. in detail, thoroughly, in every detail
s. detailed; minute, thorough; ~ təsvir detailed / minute description
i. interpretation, commentary
i. interpreter; commentator, (qadın) interpretress
i. 1. inspection; 2. revision; ~ etmək to inspect (d.); to revise (d.)
i. revisionist; inspector
I. i. revisionism II. s.: ~ siyasəti the policy of revisionism
i. bax dəyişiklik