i. timbre; quality; yumşaq ~ mellow timbre; sərt ~ harsh timbre
i. bax sürət
i. temperament
s. excitable, spirited; passionate, forceful; ~ aktyor forceful actor
i. temperature; qaynama ~u boiling-point, donma ~u freezing-point; yüksək ~ high temperature; aşağı ~ low temperature; ~un düşməsi fall in temperature
I. i. (lawn) tennis; stolüstü ~ table tennis; ping-pong; ~ oynamaq to play tennis II. s. tennis; ~ meydançası tennis-court; ~ raketi tennis-racket; ~
i. tennis-player
i. tennis shirt, T-shirt
I. i. tenor II. s. tenor; ~ səs tenor voice
i. awning, tent
i. theology
s. theological, theologic
i. theologian
i. riyaz. theorem; ~ isbat etmək to prove a theorem
i. motor ship (vessel)
i. diesel locomotive
i. diesel locomotive building
i. therapist
s. therapeutic
i. therapeutics; therapy
i. term; texniki ~ technical term
f. to be* termed
f. to term (d.)
f. to become* a term
i. terminology; elmi ~ scientific terminology
s. terminological; ~ lüğət terminological dictionary
i. thermometer; tibbi ~ clinical thermometer
i. thermos, vacuum flask
i. terror; qırmızı ~ the Red Terror; ağ ~ the White Terror
i. terrorist; ~ olmaq to be* a terrorist
i. terrorism; ~ hərəkəti act of terrorism
i. bax terrorçu
i. terrorism
i. a large basin made of copper, a large copper basin
z. hastily, hurriedly, haphazardly; ~ etmək 1) to do* (d.) hastily / hurriedly / haphazardly; 2) to kill untimely
i. 1. nature; 2. inspiration; ~i gəlmək to be* / to feel* inspired; ~i götürməmək to feel* disgust / aversion
i. medicine, the science of medicine
i. bax dəyişiklik
i. subject; citizen; İngiltərə ~si a citizen of England
i. citizenship; ~ qəbul etmək to become* a citizen of, to be* naturalized; to take* out citizenship
i. disappearance; ~ etmək to disappear, to vanish
i. 1. layer, section; 2. (həm də geol.) stratum (pl.-ta); cəmiyyətin müxtəlif ~si various strata of society, wide sections of the population; xalqın b
f. bax təbəqələşmək
f. to divide into layers (d.), to stratify (d.); to make* in layers (d.)
fi. stratification; məc. differentiation
f. to be* stratified; məc. to be* differentiated
s. stratified; ~ cəmiyyət a stratified society
i. smile; saxta ~ forced smile; güclə sezilən ~ a scarcely perceptible smile
s. smiling; (i.s.) with smile
i. bax həkim