i. 1. basin; (əl yumaq üçün) wash-basin, wash-hand-basin; (mürəbbə bişirmək üçün) pan; ~ qurmaq (tasa baxmaq) to tell* fortunes by peering into the wa
i. fortune-teller (by peering into the water in a basin)
f. to be* suffocated (with), to be* choked (with)
i. helmet, head-piece
I. i. 1. tatar; 2. bax qamçı II. s. Tatar; ~ dili Tatar, the Tatar language
f. bax qamçılanmaq
z. Tatar; ~ danışmaq to speak* Tatar; ~ yazmaq to write* in Tatar
f. bax qamçılamaq
f. to become* a Tatar
i. tib. plague, black death, pestilence
i. frying-pan
I. i. ceiling; hündür ~ high ceiling; alçaq ~ low ceiling II. i. bax güc (1-ci mənada)
I. s. (i.s.) with a ceiling; hündür ~ otaq a room with a high ceiling, a highceilinged room; alçaq ~ otaq room with a low ceiling, a low- ceiling room
I. s. ceilingless; (i.s.) without a ceiling II. s. bax gücsüz
I. i. the state of being ceilingless II. i. bax gücsüzlük
i. tautology
i. 1. bale, package; bir ~ pambıq a bale of cotton; 2. a part of a pair / a couple; ayaqqabının ~ı a part of shoes; 3
i. bax tay (3-cü mənada)
z.: ~ yığmaq to bale (d.); to heap up (d.)
i. equal, match; ~ olmaq to be* equal (in); to be* nearly of the same age; Onlar sənin tay-tuşun deyil They are not equal for you
i. stack; ot ~sı haystack; ~ vurmaq bax tayalamaq
i. bax tayavuran
f. to stack (d.), to arrange hay in a haystack / hayrick
f. to be* stacked, to be* arranged in a haystack
f. bax tayalatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to stack (d.), to ask / to cause smb. to arrange hay in a haystack
i. haystack-maker; one who arranges hay in haystack
z.: ~ açmaq to throw* / to fling* / to thrust* open (d.); to open wide (d.); qapını ~ açmaq to open wide the door; Külək pəncərəni taybatay açdı The w
s. one-horned, unicornous
s. bax taybuynuz
s. unpaired, odd; ~ ayaqqabı an odd shoe; ~ əlcək an odd glove; ~ düşmək to be* odd / unpaired; ~ salmaq to break* a set, to mix up (one’s shoes); Bu
i. the state of being odd / unpaired
i. kin; family; stock; Bu onların tayfasına xasdır This runs in their family; yaxşı ~dan olmaq to come* of good kin; alicənab ~ noble kin
s. bax qohumbaz
i. bax qohumbazlıq
z. all the family, all one’s kin
s. one-eyed, single-eyed
s. bax taygöz
s. bax taydəyişik
i. bax taydəyişiklik
s. one-winged
s. bax tayqanad
s. one-legged
s. bax tayqıça
s. one-eared
s. bax tayqulaq
i. tankard, mug, scoop
s. one-handled
f. to be* paired up