f. to border (with); to frame (d. with); to fringe (d. with), to edge (d. with); (ağacla) to plank (d
f. to be* bordered / framed (with) / fringed (with); (ağacla) to be* planked
s. bordered, fringed, edged, framed; planked
f. to ask / to cause smb. to border (d.) / to frame (d.) / to fringe (d.); (ağacla) to ask / to cause s
s. bordered (with), framed (with), fringed (with); (i.s.) with a border / a frame / a fringe
s. borderless, fringeless, frameless
I. i. 1. air; təmiz ~ fresh air; açıq ~ open air; təmiz ~ udmaq to take* / to get* / to catch* / to have* a breath of fresh air; ◊ açıq ~da in the ope
i. 1. defender, intercessor, patron, (qadın) patroness, protector; 2. supporter, adherent
i. intercession; support, protection; adherence; bir kəsə ~ etmək to take* smb. under one’s protection, to defend (d
i. ventilator; (hərlənən) fan
f. 1. to be* aired (by smb.); 2. to get* excited (by smb.)
f. to excite (d.); to make* smb. angry; to drive* (d.) mad
I. f. 1. to become* aired; 2. to get* excited, to get* angry, to get* into a temper; 3. (hava) to get* warm(er) II
s. 1. having much air / fresh air; 2. (at haq.) fiery, mettlesome; 3. (temperatur haq.) warm, normal; 4
s. airless; stuffy; ~ fəza vacuum; ~ otaq a stuffy / airless room
i. airlessness; stuffiness
I. s. 1. vain, useless; ~ zəhmət vain / useless labour; ~ cəhd vain / useless effort; 2. (pulsuz) free (of charge); 3
z. bax havayı II
i. response, comment; ~ vermək to respond (to); məc. to comment (on); çağırışa ~ vermək to respond to the call / summons (of); to take* up the call
i. sensation, racket, ballyhoo, noise; hubbub, uproar, hue-and-cry; ~ salmaq to make* a noise; (məc.) to raise / to set* up a clamour; Hay-küy salmayı
s. noisy, noiseful, boisterous; ~ şəhərlər noisy towns; ~ adam noisy / boisterous person
i. noisiness, boisterousness
s. noiseless; calm; noise-free
i. bax qışqırtı
f. 1. to hail (d.), to call (to); 2. to drive* (d.), to turn out (d.); sürünü ~ to drive* a herd
f. 1. to be* hailed / called; 2. to be* driven / turned out
f. to hail / to call each other
f. 1. to ask / to cause smb. to hail (d.) / to call (d.); 2. (heyvanı və s.) to ask / to cause smb. to drive (d
s. ready (for); prepared (for); Yemək (nahar) hazırdır Dinner is ready
s. ready, witty, quick-witted: ~ olmaq to have* a ready wit, to be* readywitted, to have* a ready tongue
i. quickwittedness
z. at present, today, at the given / present moment, at the moment
s. present-day; ~ adamlar presentday people, people of today; ~ vaxtda at present, now
f. 1. to prepare (d.), to make* (d.) ready; 2. (öyrətmək) to train (d. for), to coach (for, in), dərsini ~ to do* one’s homework; kitabı çapa ~ to mak
f. to be* prepared; (kadr) to be* trained
f. bax hazırlamaq
f. to prepare for, to get* ready (to+inf.), to be* about (to+inf. d.), to be* on the point (of+ger.)
f. 1. to ask / to cause smb. to prepare (d.); 2. (xörək və s.) to ask / to cause s.o. to cook (d.)
I. i. 1. preparation (for); training (for); kadr hazırlığı training of personnel; hərbi ~ battle training; amer
s. prepared; O, çox hazırlıqlıdır He / She is very prepared
I. i. dilç. syllable; axırıncı ~ the last syllable; açıq ~ open syllable; qapalı ~ closed syllable II
s. syllable-building; syllabic; “N” hecadüzəldən samitdir “N” is a syllabic consonant
f. 1. to syllabize (d.); to syllabicate (d.); 2. to read* (d.) syllable by syllable, to spell* out by syllables
f. 1. to be* syllabified / divided into syllables; 2. to be* read / spelt out by syllables
f. 1. to ask / to cause smb. to syllabize (d.); 2. to ask / to cause smb. to divide a word into syllables
I. əv.: ~ nə nothing; Nə istəyirsiniz? Heç nə What do you want? Nothing; Mən orada heç nə görmədim I saw nothing there; ~ kəs nobody; Evdə heç kəs yox
z. draw; ~ qurtarmaq to end in a draw
i. 1. smallness, pettiness; 2. (adam haq.) nonentity, a nobody; worthless creature; futility
i. hegemon