i. bax beşaçılan
s. five-stringed
s. five-class; ~ məktəb five-class school
s. five-column, five-pillar; ~ zal five-column hall
s. five-side
s. five-ton; ~ yük maşını fiveton lorry / truck
s. five-star, (i.s.) having five stars, (i.s.) with five stars
s. riyaz. pentahedral; ~ cisim pentahedron
i. five-verst, of five versts; ~ məsafə five-verst distance, a distance of five versts
s. five-year-old; ~ at five-year-old horse
s. five-year-old; (i.s.) of five years; ~ uşaq five-year-old child, a child of five
s. five-seater; ~ avtomobil ~ five seater
sy. five-hundredth; ~ səhifə page five hundred; ~ ildönümü five-hundredth anniversary
i. (yunan əlifbasının ikinci hərfi) beta
i. fiz. beta particle
i. fiz. beta rays
I. s. more than, worse than; bundan ~ (çox) more than this; worse than this; ölümdən ~ worse than death; hər şeydən ~ worst of all II
f. to become* / to grow* worse
I. i. concrete; ~ tökmək to concrete II. s. concrete; ~ divar concrete wall
i. concrete worker
i. the job of a concrete worker
s. ~ maşın concrete-delivery truck
i. concrete mixer
f. to concrete (d.)
f. to be* concreted
f. to become* / to get* concreted; to become* solid / firm
f. to ask / to cause smb. to concrete (d.)
s. concrete; ~ istehkam (hərbi) concrete blockhouse
i. d.d. bax behbud
i. obedience, belief, trust; ~ etmək to obey, to believe, to trust
I. i. 1. brain; baş ~ brain; onurğa ~i spinal cord; elm. cerebrum; beyninə qansızma haemorrhage of the brain; uzunsov ~ medulla (oblongata); ◊ beyni q
i. anat. cerebellum (pl. -lums / -la)
s. brain-shaped; brain-like
s. 1. (i.s.) having brain; 2. məc. brainy, clever, sensible
s. brainless, stupid, foolish, silly, muddle-headed
i. brainlessness, foolishness, stupidity
z. d.d. suddenly, all of a sudden; unexpectedly
s. international; ~ Qadınlar günü International Women’s Day; ~ hüquq international law; ~ Gənclər günü International Youth Day; ~ əlaqələr / münasibət
I. i. 1. International; 2. (himn) the Internationale II. s. international; ~ hüquq international law
I. i. internationalist II. s. internationalist
i. internationalism
f. to be* internationalized
fi. internationalization
f. to internationalize (d.)
s. d.d. empty-headed, rattle-brained, feather-brained
f. muddle-headedness, stupidity
i. id. baseball
i. baseball player