f. buğurlaşmaq
f. to become* / to grow* healthy and strong
i. chin; ◊ ~ salmaq / sallamaq to grow* chin; to become* stout / fat
f. to grow* chin; to become* fat / stout
i. book-keeper, accountant; baş ~ accountant general, chief accountant
I. i. the profesion of book-keeper / accountant II. s.: ~ kursu book-keeper / accountant training course
I. i. accounts department; (kiçik müəssisələrdə) counting-house II. s. book-keeping (attr.), account (attr
I. i. steam; evaporation; (zəhərli) miasma; (nəfəs) exhalation; ~da bişirmək to steam (d.) II. s. steam; ~ qazanı steamboiler; ~ mühərriki steam engin
i. 1. (hamamda) sweating-room, vapour bath; 2. tex. steam-shop
i. fire-place
i. tex. (qurğu) evaporator, vapor izer
f. to steam (d.), to evaporate (d.)
i. evaporator
f. to evaporate (d.), to exhale (d.), to evaporize (d.), to cause (d.) to turn into vapour / steam
fi. evaporation; exhalation
f. 1. to evaporate, to exhale, to turn into a vapour, to vaporize; 2. (yox olmaq) to disappear, to vanish into thin air
i. bax buxarladıcı
i. tex. steam distributor
i. fetters pl. shackle; ◊ məhəbbət ~u the shackle of love; ~ vurmaq bax buxovlamaq
f. to fetter (d.), to shackle (d.); to put* shackle on
f. to be* fettered / shackled
fs. fettered, shackled; məsuliyyətlə ~ məc. fettered by responsibility
f. buxovlatmaq
f. to ask smb. to fetter (d.) / to shackle (d.); to cause smb. to fetter (d.) / to shackle (d.)
s. fettered, shackled; (i.s.) with fetters (on)
s. fetterless; free
i. bay (in coast)
i. bouquet, bunch of flowers
I. i. second-hand bookseller II. s.: ~ mağazası second-hand bookshop; ~ kitablar rare books
i. booklet, (fold out) leaflet
i. 1. (gəmidə) tug, tugboat, towboat; 2. (maşın və s.) tow (ing) line; tow (ing) -rope; məc. towage; ~ götürmək to take* (d
I. i. zool. (həm də məc.) chameleon II. s. hameleonic, chameleon-like
i. the state or quality of being chameleon
I. i. spring; mineral su bulağı mineral spring; ~ kimi qaynamaq to boil / to dubble over II. s. spring; ~ suyu spring water; ~ şırıltısı spring murmur
i. (yeni doğmuş heyvan südü) colostrum; beestings pl
f. I. 1. to stir (d.); to shake* (d.); südü qaşıqla ~ to stir the milk with a spoon; başını ~ to shake* one’s head; 2
f. to be* stirred up / disturbed, to become* / to grow* turbid
f. (mayeni) to stir up (d.), to muddy (d.); suyu ~ to stir up / to muddy water; məc. to stir up trouble; ürəyini ~ to make* smb
s. turbid, lacklustre, muddy, troubled, nebulous; ~ çay turbid river; ~ maye a nebulous liquid; ~ su turbid / troubled water; ◊ ~ suda balıq tutmaq to
f. to grow* turbid / muddy, to become* turbid / muddy
i. turbidity, turbidness, muddiness
I. f. 1. (maye) to become* / to grow* turbid; 2. (ürəyi) to feel* sick; Onun ürəyi bulanır He / She feels sick; 3
i. 1. (ürək bulantısı) nausea, sickness; 2. dregs pl
f. to be* dirtied / soiled; (yağa) to be* oiled; (mürəkkəbdə) to be* covered with ink; (palçığa) to be* muddied
f. to make* dirty (d.), to dirty (d.), to soil (d.); (yağa) to oil (d.); (palçığa) to muddy (d.)
s. dirty; ~ əllər dirty hands; ~ boşqablar dirty plates
s. bax bulaşıq
i. the state of being dirty
f. 1. (çirklənmək) to become* dirty / soil; to make* oneself dirty, to soil oneself; 2. (hava) to get* dull / gloomy; Hava bulaşır The weather is gett
i. (it cinsi) bulldog