s. untouched; virgin; (təbii sərvətlər haq.) untapped; ~ neft yataqları untapped oil deposits;~ ərazilər untouched territories; ~ torpaq virgin soil
s. bax əlçatmaz
I. i. opponent, opposer, objector; antagonist; (rəqib) adversary II. s. adverse, contrary, opposite, antagonist
i. opposition; antagonism; (düşmənçilik) enmity, hostility
i. gas-mask, respirator
nid. How do you do!
i. bax alaf I
i. sieve; (əsasən un üçün) bolter
i.: ~ eləmək to ransack (d.), to rummage (d.); to search (a place) thoroughly and roughly; evi ~ etmək (axtarmaq) to rummage a house
i. sieve-maker; ◊ ~nin qıl verəni toady; yes-man
i. 1. sieve-making; 2. profession of a sieve-maker / weaver
s. elusive; (i.s.) difficult to catch; ~ adam an elusive person
f. bax ələmək
f. bax ələnmək
i. sieve-weaver
z. without fail; by all means; in any case; O sizə ələlbət baş çəkəcəkdir He / She will call on you without fail; Ələlbət gəlin Come in any case / at
z. especially, particularly
I. i. grief, sorrow; distress; suffering II. i. gonfalon
i. gonfalonier
I. i. know-all, know-it-all II. 1. (çox məlumatlı) omniscient, know all, allknowing; 2. (çoxbilmiş, bic) shrewd, sly; arful; 3
f. 1. to sift (d.), to sieve (d.); to bolt (d.); 2. məc. (müxt. ifadələrdə) od ~: 1) (yandırmaq) to burn* (d
s. sorrowul; grievous; mournful
i. sorrowfulness; grievousness; mournfulness
i. 1. thigh-bone; elm. femur; 2. məc. (arıq bədən) meagre / gaunt frame; bones pl
f. 1. to be* sifted / sieved; to be* bolted; 2. məc. (müxt. ifadələrdə): nur ~ to be* illuminatede
nid. 1. (çəkin, uzaq ol) Keep away; Keep off; (özünü gözlə, qorun) 2. (üzünü görmə, çəkin) Shun (d.),
s. open-handed, generous, lavish (of, in); Əliaçıq adamın ürəyi də açıq olar at. söz. ≅ He who is open-handed is openhearted
i. open-handedness, generosity
s. (pula möhtac) hard up, short of money, in need of money; (yoxsul) indigent; ~ olmaq; (pula ehtiyacı olmaq) to be* hard up, to be* short of money, t
i. the state of being short of many / in need of money
s. bound-handed; (i.s.) with bound hands; ~ olmaq to be* bound-handed
I. s. 1. light-handed, empty-handed; 2. (bikar) idle; ~ olmaq to be* light-handed / empty-handed II. z
s. with the hands full (of)
I. i. pilferer, fingerer, light-fingered person; ~lər pilferers II. s. light-fingered, thievish; pilfering; dishonest
i. pilferage, sharp practice; dishonesty; ~ etmək to pilfer (d.), to thieve (d.)
i. drying oil
I. i. 1. alphabet; Azərbaycan ~sı the Azerbaijani alphabet; Morze ~sı Morse alphabet / code; ABC; 2. (kitab) ABCbook, primer; 3
s. agile, adroit, dexterous, nimble
s. callous-handed; (i.s.) with horny / corny / toil-hardened hands; ~ adam a man with horny / corny / toil-hardened hands
i. the state or quality of having horny hands
i. the state of having hancuffs on
s. bloody-handed, red-handed; (i.s.) with bloody hands, (i.s.) with blood-stained hands
I. i. (əmək qabiliyyətini itirmiş adam) disabled; invalid; (şikəst adam) cripple; maimed person; mühəribə ~i disabled soldier, disabled veteran, war-d
i. invalidity, disablement, disability
z. d.d. (tez, tələsik) hurredly, in a hurry, hastily, in a rush
s. armed; (i.s.) with a gun in hand
i. the state of being armed, the state of having a gun in hand
s. unarmed, not armed; (i.s.) with bare hands, (i.s.) without weapons, (i.s.) without tools
i. alchemy
i. alchemist