f. to be* shaded / shadowed
f. to shade (d.), to shadow (d.)
f. 1. to become* shady / shadowy; 2. (gölgədə daldalanmaq) to hide* in the shade; to rest in the shade; 3
s. shady; shadowy; ~ yer shade, shady place; ~ tərəf: 1) shady side; 2) məc. the seamy / dark side; ~ ağac shadowy tree; şəklin ~ yerləri darks / shad
i. 1. shade, shady place; 2. (kölgəli daldalanacaq) awning, shelter, shed
s. 1. shadeless; shadowless; ~ yer shadeless place; ~ ağac shadowless tree; 2. məc. unresponsive; unsympathetic
i. 1. the state of being shadeless; 2. məc. the state of being unresponsive / unsympathetic
i. ash-cake; round loaf of bread baked in ashes
i. 1. help; assistance; aid; support(ing); qarşılıqlı ~ mutual assistance; maddi ~ support, pecuniary aid; ~ etmək to help (d
I. i. assistant, helper, helpmate, help; rejissor ~si assistant producer; direktor (müdir) ~si assistant director (manager); maşinist ~si engine drive
i. bax kömək (1-ci mənada)
i. 1. mutual support / help; 2. conjoint action; joint efforts, taking joint actions
z. conjointly; with joint efforts / forces
f. to (con) join efforts (in); Ata və oğul köməkləşərək ağacı dartıb çıxardılar The father and the son joining their efforts pulled out the tree
I. s. aided; assisted; supported; many-handed; (i.s.) having many helping hands; ◊ Köməkli iş asan olar at
I. s. 1. helpless, aidless; unassisted; (i.s.) without helping hands, single-handed; (i.s.) without helper / help / aid; ~ uşaq a helpless child; 2
s. 1. helplessness; 2. forlornness
I. i. coal; ağac ~ü charcoal; daş ~ coal, pit coal; ağ ~ white coal; közərmiş ~ live coals; ~ kimi (qara) coal-black, pitch-black, coaly; ~ basmaq / y
i. bax kömürçü (1-ci mənada)
I. i. (maşın, həmç. fəhlə) coal-whipper II. s. coal-whipping
I. i. (coal-) miner, collier II. s. coal-extracting
i. coal extraction
i. 1. charcoal-dealer; 2. bax kömürçıxaran; 3. (kömür dükanı) charcoaldealer’s (shop)
i. 1. coaling; 2. (kömürçü peşəsi) charcoal-dealer’s occupation / trade
I. i. coal-crusher, coalbreaker II. s. coal-crushing, coal -breaking
i. 1. (kömür basılan yer) charcoal kiln; coaling; 2. (kömür saxlanan yer) coal-hole, coal-bunker, a place for storing coal / charcoal; (gəmidə) bunker
I. i. (maşın, fəhlə) coal-cutter II. s. coal-cutting
f. to be* carbonized; to be* charred, to be* converted into coal / charcoal; to be* reduced to coal / charcoal
f. to carbonize (d.); to char (d.); to reduce to coal / charcoal (d.); to convert into coal / charcoal (d
fi. carbonization; carbonification; conversion into coal / charcoal; being / becoming charred; ~ dövrü geol
f. to become* carbonized; to be* converted into coal / charcoal; to char, to become* charred
s. coaly; (i.s.) having coal, (i.s.) with coal
i. (i.s.) good for charring / making charcoal
I. s. transverse; ~ xətt transverse line; ~ tir transverse beam; Gəmi köndələn üzürdü The ship sailed athwart II
I. s. rustic, curt, rude, uncultured, awkward, boorish; ~ davranış / hərəkətlər rustic manners; ~ söz rude word; ~ cavab curt answer / reply; ~ adam a
i. 1. heart, soul; bosom; könlü istədiyi qədər to one’s heart’s content; ~ açmaq: 1) (bir kəsə) to open one’s heart to smb
s. (xoş) pleasant, giving pleasure, pleasurable; (şadlandırıcı) rejoicing; gratifying
I. i. volunteer; ~lər batalyonu voluntre battalion II. s. voluntary; ~ iş voluntary work; ~ ordu voluntary army; ~ cəmiyyət voluntary society III
i. voluntariness; ~ əsasında on a voluntary basis
I. i. sweetheart, dear one, darling; Könül sevən göyçək olar at. söz. Beauty lies in the beholder’s / lover’s eyes II
I. s. unwilling, reluctant, loath; half-hearted II. z. unwillingly, loathly, reluctantly, with reluctance; half-heartedly; grudgingly; (həvəssiz) in a
z. bax könülsüz II
i. unwillingness; reluctance, loathness; half-heartedness
i. 1. tib. flatulence, flatulency; (süddə) skin; 2. bayt. hoove; ◊ ~ünü almaq məc. to take* smb. down a peg or two idiom
i. (male) dog; (söyüş məqamında) hound; ~ dişi (insanda) canine (tooth), (heyvanda) fang; Köpək (oğlu)! Hound! Son of a bitch!
i. zool. shark, (balacası) dog-fish
s. blistered, blistery, (i.s.) having blisters; puffed up
i. blister; ~ səpmək to be* covered with blisters