s. paunchy, pot-bellied; (i.s.) having paunch; ~ adam a pot-bellied man; ~ samovar round-bellied samovar
s. (qarnı yekə olmayan) slender, slim
i. (ölçü vahidi) span; inch; bir ~da yox! not an inch! ~la ölçmək to span (d.)
z. inch by inch; very carefully; every inch; ~ ölçmək to span (d.), to measure with the span; ~ gəzmək to walk / to travel inch by inch
I. s. disorderly, higgledy-piggledy, mixed together without system; ~ otaq a disorderly room II. z. in confusion, coherently, higgledy-piggledy; ~ dan
s.: ara ~ intrigant, intriguer; plotter; (qadın) intriguante, intrigante
i. mixer, stirring rod
f. 1. (maye) to be* mixed / muddled; 2. (qumar kağızı və s.) to be* shuffled / muddled; 3. (çay və s
fs. 1. mixed; ~ rənglər mixed colours; 2. (qumar kağızı və s.) shuffled; ~ qumar kağızları shuffled cards
f. 1. (mayeni) to mix (d.), to muddle (d.); rəngləri ~ to mix / to muddle colours; 2. (çayı, qazanı və s
f. 1. (mayeni) to ask / to cause smb. to mix (d.); 2. (qazanı və s.) to ask / to cause smb. to stir (d
I. i. mixture II. s. 1. mixed; ~ meşə mixed forest / wood; ~ cümlə qram. mixed sentence; ~ salmaq to mix up (d
s. tangled; involved, intricate, knotty, complicated; ~ saç tangled hair; ~ dəlil involved reasoning; ~ məsələ knotty / intricate question
s. 1. mixed; compound; 2. (cins haq.) hybrid, crossbred; not pure
i. 1. mix-up, confusion, disorder; fikir qarışıqlığı confusion of thoughts; ~ salmaq 1) to put*into disorder (d
s. without admixture, pure, straight, neat, undiluted; ~ qızıl pure gold; ~ viski straight whisky; ~ spirt pure / neat alcohol; ~ şərab pure / undilut
I. i. ant II. s. ant; ~ yığını / topası ant-hill
f. to span (d.)
fi. 1. mixing, confusion; dillərin ~sı confusion of tongues / languages; cinslərin ~sı cross between breeds; 2
f. 1. to mix (with); to mix up (in); Yağ suya qarışmır Oil doesn’t mix with water; başqalarının mübahisəsinə ~ to get* mixed up in the quarrel of othe
s. non-intervention, noninterference; ~ siyasəti policy of non-interference, hands-off policy
f. to snow; Qışda tez-tez qarlayır It often snows in winter; İndi qarlayır It is snowing now
s. snowy; ~ qış snowy winter; ~ gün / hava snowy day / weather; ~ dərələr snowy valleys; ~ dağlar snowy mountains; (qarla örtülü) snow-covered mountai
s. snowy and stormy; ~ gün / hava snowy and stormy day / weather
s. snowy and stormy; ~ hava snowy and stormy weather
s. snowy and windy; ~ gün a snowy and windy day
i. snow drift, snowbank
i. 1. hook, gaff; catch; 2. fishingrod, (fishing-) rod and line; ~ atmaq to cast* the line, to put* a line out; məc
I. i. disorderliness, unsystematic character; lack of system, chaotic state II. s. disorderly, unsystematic, chaotic; ~ vəziyyətdə in a disorderly sta
I. s. unsystematic, unmethodical, chaotic, disorderly II. z. in disorder, in confusion; higgledy-piggledy
i. 1. muddle, confusion; ~ olmaq to be* in a muddle; Sənin otağın tamam qarmaqarışıqlıqdır Your room is in complete confusion; 2
f. to hook (d.); to catch* (d.) with a hook
f. to be* hooked
f. to ask / to cause s.o. to hook (d.)
s. 1. (i.s.) with a hook; (i.s.) having a hook; 2. hooked
s. hook-shaped
s. hooked, hook-shaped; ~ burun hooked nose, hooknose
f. to snatch (d.), to grab (d.); O, pulu qarmaladı və qaçdı He / She grabbed the money and ran away
f. to be* snatched / grabbed
i. garmon (a musical instrument)
i. garmon-player
i. bax qarmonçalan
i. garmon-maker
s. 1. naked / nude stomach; 2. məc. poor, wretched
i. top.i. d.d. (kasıblar) the poor
I. i. məc. d.d. envious person II. s. məc. d.d. envious; ~ olmaq to be* envious
s. replete, full; ~ olana qədər yemək to eat* to repletion
i. repletion, fullness
I. i. bax yekəqarın I II. s. bax yekəqarın II
i. bax yekəqarınlıq