I. i. rock; sıldırım ~ cliff; ~ kimi möhkəm as firm as a rock II. s. rock, rocky; ~ süxuru rocky soil
i. zool. tarantula
s. rocky; ~ sahil rocky shore; ~ cığır rocky path
i. rocky place / area
i. scissors pl., a pair of scissors; (böyük) shears; bağ ~sı gardening shears; məftilkəsən ~ wire cutter
fi. 1. (saçı) hair-cutting, 2. (qoyunu) shearing; 3. (kol-kosu) clipping
f. 1. (saçı) to cut* (d.); 2. (kolu, ağacı) to clip (d.); (qoyununu) to shear (d.), to clip (d.)
f. 1. (saç) to be* cut; 2. (qoyun) to be* sheared / shorn; 3. (kol) to be* clipped
f. bax qayçılatmaq
f. (saçı to ask / to cause smb. to cut (d.) (qoyunu) to shear (d.) / (kolu) to clip (d.); saçını ~ to have* one’s hair cut; bağı ~ to have* one’s gard
i. 1. rule; regulations pl., qrammatik ~ rule of grammar, grammar rule; oyun ~ ları the rules of game; hesabda dörd ~ four rules of arithmetic; yol hə
i. order, rule, regulation; ~ qoymaq to introduce proper order (in); ~a riayət etmək to keep* the rules / regulations; ~a dəvət etmək to call to order
s. regular; ruly; ~ fellər qram. regular verbs
z. fairly, to the extent (of), within reasonable limits; ~ yazmaq to write* fairly; ~ hərəkət etmək to act / to behave fairly; oyunu ~ oynamaq to play
s. irregular; (i.s.) without rules; ~ fellər qram. irregular verbs
i. disorderliness, irregularity
i. 1. ideal; bəşəriyyətin ~si ideal of mankind; 2. aim, purpose; həyat ~si one’s aim in life; nəcib ~ noble aim; vizitin ~si the purpose of the visit
s. aimless; purposeless; ~ həyat aimless life
i. aimlessness, purposelessness
i. fried eggs; scrambled eggs pl
i. care (of, for), concern (for); preoccupation; insan ~sı caring of people, concern for people’s welfare; gələcəyin ~sı concern for the future; ailə
s. qayğısız I
s. careful, thoughtful, considerate, solicitous; ~ ana careful mother; ~ dost thoughtful friend; ~ adam considerate man*
i. carefulness, thoughtfulness, considerateness, solicitude, solicitousness; ~ göstərmək to show* / to display care / concern (for)
z. carefully, solicitously, thoughtfully; bir kəsə ~ yanaşmaq to treat smb. carefully / kindly
f. to cause(d.) to become anxious / uneasy
f. to cause anxiety, to worry (d.), to make* smb. anxious / uneasy
f. to become* anxious / uneasy
s. 1. preoccupied; ~ görkəm preoccupied look; 2. anxious, worried; O, qayğılı görünürdü He / She looked preoccupied
z. anxiously, worriedly, thoughtfully
i. preoccupation, anxiety, concern
I. s. careless, carefree, light-hearted; d.d. happy-go-lucky; ~ həyat carefree life II. z. carelessly, light-heartedly, in a carefree manner
z. bax qayğısız II
i. carelessness, light-heartedness
s. reflected; ~ işıq reflected light
z. on the way back; Qayıdanbaş bizə gəlin Visit us on the way back
s. 1. return; 2. qram. reflexive; ~ fellər reflexive verbs; ~ əvəzlikləri reflexive pronouns
I. i. boat; motorlu ~ motor boat; xilasedici ~ life -boat; sualtı ~ submarine; ikiavarlı ~ pair-oar boat II
i. boatman*; (yükdaşıyan) ferryman*
i. a boatman’s profession; ~ etmək to be* / to work as a boatman*
i. brother-in-law
I. i. bot. maple II. s. bot. maple; ~ yarpağı maple leaf
i. mother-in-law (pl. mothers-inlaw)
i. the state of being a motherin-law
i. the wife of one’s husband’s brother
i. father-in-law (pl. fathers-in-law)
i. the state of being father-in-law
i. the wife of one’s brother-in-law
f. making, manifacturing