i. bias; siyasi ~ political bias; irqi ~ racial bias
s. unprincipled, unscrupulous; ~ adam unprincipled man, a man without principles, a man with no scruples
i. unscrupulousness, absence of principle
s. unreal, unfeasible, unrealizable, impracticable; ~ arzu unrealizable wish / desire; ~ plan impracticable plan; ~ təklif impracticable proposal / su
i. unreality, unfeasibility, impracticability
I. s. informal, unofficial; ~ görüş / nahar və s. unofficial / informal meeting / dinner, etc.; iki ölkə nümayəndələri arasında ~ söhbətlər informal c
i. informality
s. unrhythmical; uneven, spasmodic
i. unevenness; arrhythmia; işin qeyri-ritmiliyi unevenness of work
s. 1. inconstant; ~ dostluq / aşiq və s. inconstant friendship / lover, etc.; 2. (hava və s.) changeable, unstable; ~ hava changeable weather; ~ iqlim
i. 1. inconstancy; 2. instability, changeability
I. s. insincere, feigned, hypocritical; ~ göz yaşları feigned tears; ~ bəyanat insincere declaration; ~ olmaq to be* insincere; ~ təbəssüm hypocritica
i. insincerity, hypocrisy, pretence
s. 1. bound; not free; ~ morfem qram. bound morpheme; 2. (asılı) dependent; characterless
i. lack of initiative; dependence
s. tex. asymmetric(al)
i. asymmetry
s. unstable
i. instability; iqtisadi ~ instability of economics
s. non-standard; amer. nontypical
i. the quality of being nonstandard
s. opaque
i. opaquesness,, opacity
I. s. bax qeyri-iradi I II. z. bax qeyri-iradi II
i. bax qeyri-iradilik
I. s. 1. unnatural, abnormal; ~ gülüş unnatural laugh; 2. affected, not natural II. z. unnaturally, abnormally
i. 1. affectation, abnormality; 2. artificiality
s. imperfect, incomplete
i. imperfection, incompleteness
s. inorganic; ~ kimya inorganic chemistry; ~ aləm the inorganic world
i. the quality of being inorganic
i. lack of seriousness, lightness
i. rage, fury, anger, wrath; ~i tutmaq fly / to get* into a rage, to become* / to get* furious; ~indən özünü bilməmək to be* beside oneself with rage,
z. angrily, furiously, wrathfully
f. to be* raged / angered
f. to infuriate (d.), to make* (d.) furious, to put* smb. into a rage, to provoke smb.’s wrath
f. to rage, to get* / to fly* into a rage, to become* furious, to be* angry (with); Dəniz qeyzləndi The sea raged
f. bax qeyzləndirmək
I. s. angry, rageful, wrathful, furious; ~ olmaq to be* enraged / furious, to fly into a rage, to become* furious / infuriated; ~ adam wrathful / furi
i. furiousness, furiosity, rage
s. blameless, faultless, irreproachable, impeccable
I. i. blameworthiness, reprehensibility; vice, fault, defect; ~ etmək to act / to behave wrongly II. s
s. bax qəbahət II
i. obscenity; indecency, ribaldry, bawdy, bawdiness
i. irreproachability, blamelessness
s. infamous, foul, vile; (adam haq.) villainous, scoundrelly, loathsome, sicking, nasty
i. infamy, vileness, foulness
i. kind, type, sort; bu ~dən this kind / type / sort (of)
I. i. tribe; köçəri ~lər nomad / nomadic tribes II. s. tribal; ~ həyatı tribal life; ~ başçısı the leader / head of the tribe; ~ davaları tribal wars;
I. i. grave; tomb; ◊ bir ayağı ~də olmaq to have* one foot in the grave; bir kəsə ~ qazmaq to dig* a pit / grave for smb