I. i. 1. (qoyun) merino (sheep); 2. (yun) merino (wool) II. s. merino; ~ yunu merino wool
I. i. wood(s) (pl.); (böyük) forest; ~ salmaq to afforest, to plant trees / forest; şam ~si pine grove / forest II
i. forest-guard, woodman, forester
i. small wood; grove
i. zool. woodcock
i. cultivator of woods, forester, sylviculturist
I. i. forestry, sylviculture II. s. forestry; ~ briqadası forestry brigade / team; ~ institutu Forestry Institute; ElmiTədqiqat Meşəçilik İnstitutu Fo
i. zool. bax qırqovul
s.: ~ adam wood cutter, logger, ~ dəzgah (mişar) saw-mill
s. wooded, woody; ~ yerlər wood-land(s) pl., forest land, wooded country
i. wood land(s) pl., forest land, wooded country
fi. afforestation, forest planting, forest-plantation
i. sylviculturist; scientist in forestry
i. forestry, sylviculture, (silviculture)
i. zool. wood lark; (pompullu) crested lark
i. zool. grey-hen
i. yuft; Russian leather, shagreen leather
I. i. petty bourgeois; Philistine II. s. narrow-minded, vulgar; ~ ideologiya vulgar ideology
z. narrow-mindedly, vulgarly
f. to be* / to become* petty bourgeois / vulgar
i. lower middle classes, narrowmindedness; petty bourgeoisie
I. i. metaphysician II. s. metaphysical; ~ baxış metaphysical conception
i. metaphysics
i. metaphor
s. metaphorical, figurative; dilç. ~ ifadə metaphorical phrase
I. i. metal; əlvan ~lar non-ferrous metals; qara ~lar ferrous metals II. s. metal (attr.) ~ məmulatı metal wares, hardware; ~ sənayesi metal industry;
i. bax metallurq
I. i. melter, smelter II. s.: ~ soba smelting furnace; ~ zavod smelting works, smeltery
s.: ~ dəzgah metal-cutting lathe
f. tex. to metalize (d.)
i. mus. metallophone
i. kim. metalloid, non-metal
i. metallographe
i. metallography
i. metallurgy; qara ~ ferrous metal industry; əlvan ~ non-ferrous metal industry
s. metallurgical; ~ zavod metallurgical works; ~ sənayəsi metallurgical industry
i. metallurgist
i. science of metals; metallurgical science
s. metamorphical
i. geol. metamorphism
i. metamorphosis
i. kim. methane, marsh-gas
i. dilç. metathesis (pl. -s’es)
I. i. tib. metastasis (pl. -s’es) II. s. metastatic(al)
I. i. meteor II. s. meteoric
i. meteorite
i. meteorism
i. meteorography
i. meteorology
s. meteorological; ~ stansiya meteorological station; ~ məlumat metereological information