s. flaky, foliated; lamellar; miner. schistous; ~ süxurlar schistous / schistose rocks; stratified rocks
s. necessary; essential; needful, indispensible, required, due (to); ~ olmaq to be* necessary / needed / wanted; Bunu etmək lazımdır That must be done
z. necessarily, properly; O, ingiliscə lazımınca danışır He / She speaks English properly
s. necessary; requisite, essential; proper, appropriate; ~ səviyyədə up to the mark; ~ qaydada properly; ~ yeri tutmaq to take* a proper place; ~ sənə
s. necessary; useful; important; significant; ~ şey a necessary thing; Bu lazımlı kitabdır It is a very useful book
s. useless; unnecessary; ~ şey a useless thing; ~ qeyd an unnecessary remark
i. solder, (bərk) braze; fusion; weld
f. to solder (d.); (bərk lehimlə) to braze (d.)
f. to be* soldered; to be* brazed
f. to have* smth. soldered / brazed; to ask smb. to solder / to braze (d.)
f. bax lehimlətdirmək
z. for, in favour (of); birinin ~ səs vermək to vote for smb., to vote in favour of smb.; onun ~ for his favour; birinin ~ danışmaq to speak* in smb’s
i. slush, watery mud; swamp, mire, bog; mud; ◊ lehməsi axmaq d.d. to be* very dirty, to drip with dirt
s. slushy; swampy; ~ yol slushy road
i. ribbon, fillet; (şlyapada) (hat-) band; teleqraf ~i (telegraph) tape; makina ~i typewriter ribbon; ~lə bəzəmək to ribbon (d
i. 1. carrion; 2. d.d. məc. lazy-bones
I. i. zool. vulture, buzzard II. s. ~ quş a bird eating carrion
I. i. shower, spring rains, pouring / driving rain; heavy shower, down-pour II. s. pouring, heavy; ~ yağış heavy rain; Leysan yağış yağır It is rainin
I. i. lieutenant; general ~ lieutenant-general; baş ~ senior lieutenant; kiçik ~ junior lieutenant II
i. bax dodaq I
I. i. hater; (qatı düşmən) bitter enemy; stubborn; ~ düşmək bax ləcləşmək II. s. hateful, stubborn; ~ adam stubborn man* III
f. to hate (d.); to detest (d.), to abhor (d.), to execrate (d.), to feel* hatred towards, to dislike greatly (d
i. hatred; detestation, abhorrence, hostility
I. i. shawl, kerchief II. i. bot. petal; qızılgül ~yi a rose-petal, rose-leaf; ~ açmaq bax yarpaqlamaq (1-ci mənada)
f. bax yarpaqlamaq (1-ci mənada)
f. bot. to burst* into petals, to burst* into leaves
I. s. bot. petalous, petalled, petaled; çox ~ güllər many-petaled flowers II. s. (i.s.) having a kerchief on, (i
I. s. bot. apetalous II. s. (i.s.) without a kerchief round the neck
I. i. impudent / shameless woman*, shameless creature II. s. impudent, shameless, dishonourable
i. abolishment; abolition, abrogation, revocation, (qərar) disaffirmation, countermand, (əmr haq.) cancellation; xüsusi mülkiyyətin ~i abolition of pr
i. dialect; London ~si the London dialect; ~də danışmaq to speak* in a dialect
f. (müst. və məc. mən.) to pant (with), to gasp (for breath); to take* short / quick breaths, to be* out of breath, to ose* one’s breath; istidən ~ to
z. breathlessly; ~ demək / söyləmək to utter breathlessly
i. moment, instant; bir ~də in an instant, in a moment, in a flash; in a twinkling
i. bed; gül ~i flower-bed, bir ~ gül a bed of flowers; ~ kəsmək / düzəltmək to dig* beds
i. (müst. və məc. mən.) spot, blot, stain, stigma; blotch, blemish; disgrace; qan ~si bloodstain, a spot of blood; mürəkkəb ~si ink-stain, a spot of i
f. 1. (müst. və məc. mən.) to stain (d.), to spot (d.), to brand (d.), to bolt (d.), to blemish (d.), to blotch (d
f. bax ləkələmək
f. to become* dirty, to cause to become marked with spots / stains; to soil oneself, to make* oneself dirty; to be* stained / spotted / blotted; asanl
fs. spotted; blotched, stained; mürəkkəblə ~ ink-stained; mürəkkəblə ~ stol a table spotted with ink
s. stained, spotty, patchy; blotchy; vicdanı ~ a blot on one’s character, flaw on one’s character
s. stainless, unstained, spotless; immaculate, clean, blameless; ~ oğlan an unstained / stainless boy; ~ qız a stainless girl
i. spotlessness, blamelessness
i. nickname, pseudonym; alias; (ədəbiyyatda) pen-name; (artist) stage-name; ~i ilə under the pseudonym, (yazıçı haq
s. nicknamed; ~ adam a nicknamed person
i. ruby; red precious stone
i. jewel; gem; precious stone; treasure
i. governor; a person who brought up children (boys) of the rich families; undertutor (and attendant)
s. d.d. homeless; ~ olmaq / qalmaq to be* left without a roof over one’s head; ~ etmək / qoymaq to make* homeless (d
i. feather, plumage; (bəzək üçün) plume; əlvan rəngli ~ brightly coloured plumage; ~ kimi yüngül as light as a feather, very light; ~ tökmək to moult,