fi. purification; distillation; refinement şəkərin ~ the refinement of sugar
f. 1. to clean (d.); to clear (d.), 2. to refine (d.); yağı ~ to refine oil; 3. kim. to purify (d.); to distil (d
f. 1. to ask / to cause smb. to clean (d.); 2. ( yağ və s.) to ask / to cause smb. to refine (d.); 3 kim
f. 1. to get* / to become* pure; 2. to cause (d.) to become refined / purified
i. purity, cleanness, clearness; suyun saflığı purity of water; qızılın saflığı purity of gold
s. frank, candid, open-hearted
i. frankness, open-heartedness
s. 1. living, alive; Nə qədər ki sağam... As long as I live; 2. right; ~ tərəf right side, off side; O mənim sağ əlimdir He is my right hand; ~ partiy
I. s. safe, safe and sound: ~ olmaq to be* safe and sound, to be* well II. z. all right, well; safely; Biz Moskvaya sağ-salamat çatdıqWe arrived in Mo
i. prosperity; the state of living safe and sound
i. right and left
s. semi-ill; half-sick
z. to the right (of); məndən ~ to my right, on my right hand, Sağa! Right turn!
f. to be* cured, to be* treated medically
f. to recover (from), to be* / to get* cured (of)
s. incurable; not to be cured; ~ xəstəlik incurable disease; ~ xəstə incurable patient
i. incurability
f. to cure (d.); bir kəsi ~ to cure smb.; xəstə ~ to cure a patient
i. rim, frame; eynəyin sağanağı the rim / frames of eye-glasses; taxta ~ wooden frame
s. (i.s.) with rim / frames; (i.s.) having rim / frames
s. rimless; frameless; ~ eynək rimless glasses
z. on the right; ~ olmaq to be* on the right
z. from the right
f. to ask / to cause smb. to milk (d.); to have* (d.) milked
f. to force / to ask smb. to milk (d.)
i. best man*
i. milkmaid, dairymaid; milker; adlısanlı ~ noted milkmaid / milker; ~ olmaq to be* a milker / a milkmaid
i. the job of a milker / milkmaid
f. 1. to give* milk; 2. to be* milked; İnək asan sağılır The cow is milked easily
i. k.t. yield of milk, milk yield; milking; səhər ~ı morning milking
s. k.t. yielding / giving much milk; ~ inək good* milker, good* milk cow
i. bax sağım
i. bax sağıcı
i. bax sağıçılıq
s. under age; juvenile; orphan
f. to become* orphan
s. healthy; strong; məc. sound; ~ rəng healthy colour; ~ dəri healthy skin; ~ iqlim healthy climate; ~ görünmək to look healthy / strong; Sağlam olun
s. (i.s.) having a strong / sound body
i. the state or quality of having a sound / a strong body
s. sober, sober-minded, sane minded; ~ adam sensible person, man* of common sense
i. the state of having sane mind / sober mind
s. bax sağlamdüşüncəli
f. to sanitate (d.); to normalize (d.); to render (more) healthy (d.), to bring* into a healthy state (d
f. 1. to become* / to get* strong, to become* healthy; 2. to get* well, to recover
I. i. health; sağlamlığa görə for reasons of health II. s. health; ~ ocağı centre of health
i. life; health; ~ arzu etmək to wish a happy life, to wish good health; Sağlıqla qalın! Bye-bye! Good-bye! See you! Good luck! Sağlıq olsun! We’ll se
f. to milk (d.); inək ~ to milk a cow
s. milch, milking; ~ inək milch cow, milking cow
i. 1. (atda) croup(e); 2. haunch
s. broad-haunched, having broad haunch