f. to be* enumerated
f. to ask / to force smb. to enumerate (d.)
f. bax sadalatdırmaq
I. s. 1. simple; easy; 2. common, plain, ordinary; ~ həyat tərzi plain living; ~ adamlar common / ordinary people; ~ cümlə qram
z. simply; without ceremony; quite simple; Mən sadəcə olaraq buna inana bilmirəm I simply can’t believe it
s. bax sadəqəlb
i. bax sadəqəlblilik
z. bax sadəqəlbliklə
s. simplifying
f. to be* simplified (d.)
s. simplified; ~ mətn a simplified text
fi. simplification
f. to simplify (d.); izahatı ~ to simplify explanation
fi. becoming simpler
f. to become* simpler, to become* / to get* simplified
f. bax sadələtmək
f. to ask / to cause smb. to simplify (d.)
i. simplicity; problemin sadəliyi simplicity of the problem
s. naive, simple-hearted; gullible, credulous
z. naively, simple-heartedly
i. simple-heartedness, openheartedness; credulity, gullibility, naivety
fi. bax sadalama
f. bax sadalamaq
s. 1. faithful (to), loyal (to); sözünə ~ as good as one’s word; öz inamına ~ true to one’s convictions / principles; ~ müttəfiq staunch ally; 2
z. bax sadiqcəsinə
z. faithfully, devotedly
i. faithfulness, loyalty; devotion
i. sadist
i. bax sadizm
i. sadism
s. pure; neat; ~ qızıl pure gold; ~ gümüş pure silver; ~ su pure water; ~ hava clear / pure air; ~ spirt neat spirits pl
z.: ~ etmək bax seçmək
s. pure-blooded, thoroughbred; ~ at thoroughbred horse
i. the state or quality of being pure-blooded / thoroughbred
s. bax safürəkli
i. bax safürəklilik
f. bax saflaşdırmaq
s. refining, cleaning, puring
f. 1. to be* cleaned / cleared; 2. (neft, yağ və s.) to be refined; 3. kim. to be* distilled / purified
fi. purification; distillation; refinement şəkərin ~ the refinement of sugar
f. 1. to clean (d.); to clear (d.), 2. to refine (d.); yağı ~ to refine oil; 3. kim. to purify (d.); to distil (d
f. 1. to ask / to cause smb. to clean (d.); 2. ( yağ və s.) to ask / to cause smb. to refine (d.); 3 kim
f. 1. to get* / to become* pure; 2. to cause (d.) to become refined / purified
i. purity, cleanness, clearness; suyun saflığı purity of water; qızılın saflığı purity of gold
s. frank, candid, open-hearted
i. frankness, open-heartedness
s. 1. living, alive; Nə qədər ki sağam... As long as I live; 2. right; ~ tərəf right side, off side; O mənim sağ əlimdir He is my right hand; ~ partiy
I. s. safe, safe and sound: ~ olmaq to be* safe and sound, to be* well II. z. all right, well; safely; Biz Moskvaya sağ-salamat çatdıqWe arrived in Mo
i. prosperity; the state of living safe and sound
i. right and left