f. to take* / to draw* aside (d.); (zərbədən) to parry (d.); to remove (d.); to corrupt (d.), to debauch (d
f. to tack, to manoeuver
I. i. (qadın) fornicatress, (kişi) fornicator II. s. astray; (əxlaqça) lascivious, lewd
i. lasciviousness, lewdness, depravity; ~ etmək to lead* a depraved life
i. stalk, (güldə) stem
s. (i.s.) with stalk / stem
f. 1. to thread (d.); to string (d.); iynəni ~ to thread a needle; 2. (çəkici, baltanı və s.) to make* a helve / a shaft; 3
s. 1. (i.s.) with a shaft / helve, (i.s.) having a shaft; 2. (i.s.) with thread, (i.s.) having thread
i. frying-pan
i. a stick good for helve / shaft
f. (zərbədən) to evade (d.), to elude (d.); (mövzudan) to digress (from), to wander away (from), zərbədən ~ to dodge a blow
s. quite healthy / sound
s. bax sapsağ
s. dark yellow, quite yellow
s. bax sapabənzər
i. zool. buzzard
i. sarafan (woman’s dress); sun-frock
f. bax saralmaq
f. 1. to turn yellow; 2. (sarı görünmək) to show* yellow; 3. (rəngi qaçmaq) to turn / to grow* pale; qorxudan ~ to blanch with terror / fear
i. yellowness
i. bax sarılıq (1-ci mənada)
f. 1. to yellow (d.), to cause smth. to become yellow; 2. to cause smb. to turn pale
I. i. palace; mansion; government house; Mədəniyyət ~ı Palace of Culture; Qurultaylar ~ı Palace of Congresses; Əmək ~ı Palace of Labour II
i. arx. cameleer; ~ olmaq to be* a cameleer
i. the chief of cameleers
i. small sausage; Paris sausage
i. zool. sardine
I. i. 1. bandage; bandaging; 2. coil; bir ~ kəndir a coil of rope II. s. dressing; ~ məntəqəsi dressing station, aid point / station; ~ materialı dres
I. i. 1. yellow; 2. (yumurtada) yolk (of egg) II. s. yellow; ~ yarpaq yellow leaf; ~ irq yellow race III
s. light-chestnut; (at) chestnut; red-haired
s. bax sarışın
i. the state or quality of being blond
i. zool. canary (bird)
i. yellow ginger
i. zool. oriole; golden oriole
i. 1. bax sarğı; 2. turban
s. 1. bandaged; dressed; tied; 2. (i.s.) wearing a turban
i. 1. yellowness; 2. tib. (yellow) jaundice, icterus
f. to wind* (round), to twine oneself (round)
f. 1. to tie (round) (d.), to tie up (d.); bir kəsin əlini ~ (həm məc., həm də müst.) to tie smb.’s hands; bir kəsin əl-ayağını ~ (həm məc
I. i. garlic; baş ~ a garlic II. s. garlic; ~ iyi garlic smell
s. (i.s.) with garlic, (i.s.) mixed with garlic
s. yellowish, yellowy
s. bax sarımtıl
f. 1. to tie smth. round oneself; 2. (yara) to be* bandaged / dressed; 3. to be* wound (round d.); 4
I. i. blond, blonde; (a person) with light brown hair II. s. blond, blonde
s. bax sarısaç
I. i. (a person) with light-brown beard II. s. (i.s.) with light-brown beard