f. 1. to be* greased / lubricated; 2. to get* / to become* fat; 3. məc. to become* rich, to make* fortune; 4
f. bax yağlatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to grease (d.) / to lubricate (d.)
I. i. tex. lubricator; (əl) oilcan, oiler; greaser II. s. lubricating
I. s. 1. fat, fatty; rich; ~ heyvan fat cattle; ~ ət fat / fatty meat; ~ qoyun əti fat / fatty mutton; ~ şorba fat / rich soup; ~ gil fat clay; ~ boya
I. s. sweet, smooth; ~ söhbətlər sweet talks; ~ sözlər smooth words II. z. sweetly; greasily; ~ danışmaq to speak* sweetly
s. smooth-tongued, smooth-spoken, mealy-mouthed
i. fatness, greasiness
f. 1. to fall*; yağış ~ to rain; qar ~ to snow; dolu ~ to hail; Bərk yağış yağıb There has been a heavy fall of rain; 2
i. rain, rainy weather, rainfall
f. to rain, to become* rainy; hava yağmurlayacaq It’ll rain
s. rainy, wet; ~ hava rainy weather
i. rainfall, raininess, plenty of precipitation
i. bax yağışölçən
s. rainless, dry; (i.s.) without rain; ~ yay rainless / dry summer
i. dry spell; dry weather
i. tex. probe
i. butter seller; oil seller
s. butterless, (i.s.) without butter; oilless, (i.s.) without oil; fatless, (i.s.) without fat; d.d. lean; ~ ət lean meat
I. f. bax yağsızlaşmaq II. f. to get* / to become* fatless; to have* no butter / oil; to become* / to get* lean
nid. My God! Goodness gracious! Goodness me!
i. collar; (kişi köynəyində) neckband; ~sını açmaq (düyməsini) to unbutton (d.); (qarmaqdan) to unhook (d
I. f. 1. to collar (d.), to take* by the scruff of the neck (d.); küçədə ~ to collar in the street; 2
I. f. 1. to be* caught / overtaken; Quldurlar yaxalandı Robbers were caught / overtaken; 2. to be* collared II
f. to seize each other by the collar; to start / to join hand-to-hand fight(ing)
I. f. bax yaxalatmaq I II. bax yaxalatmaq II
I. f. 1. to ask / to cause smb. to collar (d.); 2. to ask / to cause smb. to catch (d.) by the collar II
s. (i.s.) with a collar, (i.s.) having a collar; ~ köynək a shirt with / having a collar
i. 1. collar; köynəyin yaxalığı the collar of a shirt; 2. (uşaq üçün) bib; (qoşquda) breast collar; 3
i. slops
f.: yalvarıb- ~ to beg (d.+to inf.), to implore (d.+to inf.), to entreat (d.+to inf.)
s. 1. unfastened; unbuttoned; ~ köynək unfastened shirt; 2. low neck; ~ don decollete dress, low-necked dress
s. collarless; (i.s.) without a collar
i. box
f. to ask / to cause smb. to spread (on); yağ ~ to ask / to cause smb. to spread butter (on)
f. bax yaxdırmaq
i. putty; ~ ilə doldurmaq to fill up with putty
f. bax yandırıb-yaxmaq
f. to be* spread on
I. s. 1. near; ~ qohum near relation; ~ gələcəkdə in the near future; ~ məsafədə at a short distance, a short way off; 2
s. near, near and far, near and distant; ~ ölkələr near and far countries; ~ qohumlar near and distant relations / relatives
z. 1. near at hand, hereabout(s), close by; near here; next door; ~ yaşamaq to live near at hand / hereabout / next door / close by; 2
s. 1. near, nearby, neighbouring; ~ şəhər nearby town; ~ ev neighbouring house; 2. coming, forthcoming; ~ seçkilər forthcoming elections; 3
z. closely, at a short distance; (şəkil çəkmək, güllə atmaq) at short range; ~ güllə atmaq to shoot* at short range; ~ baxmaq to look at a short dista
I. i. near-sighted / short-sighted man* II. s. near-sighted, short-sighted
i. tib. myopia
qoş. nearby, close by; şəhərin ~ nearby the town
z. bax yaxında (2-ci və 3-cü mənalarda)
f. 1. to draw* nearer (d.), to bring* nearer / closer (d.); kitabı gözünə ~ to bring* the book nearer / closer to one’s eyes; sənayeni xammal mənbəyin
f. to approach, to draw* / to come* nearer (to); near; şəhərə ~ to approach the town; Biz şəhərə yaxınlaşırdıq We were approaching the town; Gəmi sahi