i. the trade of a shoemaker / a patcher
f. to patch up (d.), to mend (d.), to darn (d.); köynəyi ~ to mend a shirt
f. bax yamatmaq
s. patched; ~ şalvar patched trousers; ~ köynək patched shirt; ~ palto patched coat; ~ corab patched sock
i. (i.s.) suitable / fit for patch; ~ parça fabric suitable / fit for patch(ing)
s. patchless; (i.s.) without a patch
i. the state or quality of being without a patch
f. to patch up (d.), to mend (d.), to darn (d.); köynək ~ to mend a shirt; ayaqqabı ~ to mend shoes; paltar ~ to mend clothes
I. i. evil; harm; ◊ yaxşını ~dan ayırmaq ≅ to separate the sheep from the goat II. s. 1. bad, nasty; ~ gün a bad day; ~ tufan nasty storm; 2
z. somehow, anyhow, haphazardly
z. too, very; Yamanca yorulmuşam I am very / too tired
f. to abuse (d.), to revile (d.)
f. bax yamanlatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to abuse (d.) / to revile (d.)
i. evil: harm; bir kəsə ~ etmək to harm / to hurt* smb.; yaxşılığa yamanlıqla cavab vermək to repay* good with evil
f. to be* patched
f. to ask / to cause smb. to patch (d.); to have* (d.) patched
f. to imitate (d.), to mimick (d.), to mimic (d.); bir kəsin hərəkətini ~ to imitate someone’s movement; bir kəsin səsini yamsılamaq to mimic smb
f. to be* imitated / mimicked
f. bax yamsılatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to imitate (d.) / to mimic (d.)
i. cannibal, man-eater, (nağıllarda) ogre
i. cannibalism
s. quite flat
s. dark green
I. i. side, flank; sol ~ left side / flank; sağ ~ right side / flank; Düşmən bizə sol yandan hücum etdi The enemy attacked us on the left flank; qutun
z. side by side; ~ getmək to go* / to walk side by side
z. bax yan-yana
I. i. 1. sides; 2. people around II. z. around, round; ~ yə baxmaq to look around; Yan-yörədə heç kim / kəs yox idi There was nobody around
s.: ~ evlər the houses around; ~ adamlar the people around
z. aside; bir kəsi ~ çəkmək to take* smb. aside; Yana dur! Step aside!
I. i. fuel; bərk ~ solid fuel; maye ~ liquid fuel II. s. fuel (attr.); ~ sənayesi fuel industry; ~ ehtiyatı fuel resources; ~ nasosu fuel pump; ~ büro
s. (i.s.) with fuel, (i.s.) having fuel
s. fuelless; (i.s.) without fuel
i. the state of being without fuel
I. s. sidelong; ~ baxış sidelong glance / look II. z. 1. sideways, sidelong; ~ durmaq to stand* sideways; ~ oturmaq to sit* sideways; qapıdan ~ çıxmaq
i. cheek; batıq ~ sunken cheek; ~larından öpmək to kiss on both cheeks
s. burning; ~ ev burning house; ~ yanaqlar burning cheeks; ~ gözlər burning eyes
i. volcano
f. to be* moved up, to be* drawn up
f. to move up (d.), to draw* up (d.); stolu divara ~ to move the table up to the wall; boşqabı özünə ~ to move / to draw* / to pull the plate towards
I. s. adjoining; ~ otaqlar adjoining rooms II. z. near, next to, side by side, beside; by; ~ oturmaq to sit* side by side, to sit* next to smb
fi. 1. approach; method of approaching; point of view; fərdi ~ individual approach; kompleks ~ complex approach; məsələyə doğru ~ correct / right appr
f. to come* up (to), to get* up (to); to approach (d.); bir kəsə ~ to come* up to smb.; məsələyə ~ to approach a question
i. hip; girdə / yumru ~ round hip
z.: hər ~ everywhere; bir ~ anywhere
z. from one side, on one side; ~ baxmaq to look from one side, to take* a side view; bir kəsə ~ baxmaq to look at smb
f. bax yandırıb-yaxmaq