f. 1. to split; həm də məc. to cleave; Bu odun asan yarılır This wood splits easily; ◊ bağrı ~ to be* deadly frightened: 2
i. half; iki ~ two and a half; iki saat ~ two and a half hours; beş kilometr ~ five and a half kilometres; ~ saat half an hour; ~ kilo half a kilogram
I. s. unfinished, incomplete, not perfect, half-and-half II. z. just, hardly; O, imtahanını yarım-yarımçıq verdi He / She just managed to pass his / h
i. half-and-half, the state or quality of being half-and-half
s. bax yarıac
s. bax yarıaçıq
i. coğ. peninsula; Abşeron ~sı the Absheron peninsula
i. demigod; qadın demigoddess
i. semi-arshin, half-arshin
i. a length of semi-arshin
s. semi-dependent; ~ ölkələr semidependent countries
i. semi-dependence, halfdependence
I. i. semi-automatic device II. s. semi-automatic
i. half a month, a fortnight; ~ dan sonra in a fortnight
s. fortnightly; (i.s.) of a fortnight’s duration
s. half-dead; more dead than alive; ~ olmaq to be* half dead, to be* more dead than alive
I. s. half-serious, half in jest II. z. half-seriously; ~ demək to say* / to tell* half-seriously
i. socks
s. unfinished, incomplete, imperfect, not perfect, not full; ~ iş unfinished work; ~ bilik incomplete / imperfect knowledge; ~ cavab imperfect answer
f. (yeməklə) to eat* up; (içməklə) to drink* up; to decrease / to lessen (d.) to half, to reduce (d.) to half
i. half-naked; ~ uşaq half-naked child*
I. i. semicircle II. s. semicircular
s. semicircular
i. bax yarımməmulat
I. i. id. semi-final II. s. id. semifinal; ~ oyunları semi-finals
i. semi-finalist; sportsman* taking part in semi-finals
i. half pound
s. half a day, half-day
s. half-ruined; ~ kənd halfruined village
i. tib. paresis
I. i. half-year, six months, (i.s.) of six months II. s. 1. half-yearly, semi-annual; ~ kurslar six-month courses; 2
I. i. half-silk II. s. half-silken
s. half-jobless
i. fiz. semi-conductor, transistor
s. fiz. semi-conductor (attr.), semi-conducting; ~ radioqəbuledici transistor
i. the quality of being semiconductor
s. half-drunk, tipsy
i. half kilogram(me)
s. half nomad; ~ qəbilələr half nomad tribes
i. hemisphere; şimal ~si northern hemisphere; cənub ~si southern hemisphere
i. hemisphere; beyin yarımkürəciyi anat. cerebral hemisphere
i. half-way policy; half heartedness
s. half-naked, half-dressed
i. fifty-copeck piece
i. half metre
i. half-finished / semifinished product
i. id. half-backs
i. id. half-back
I. i. semi-colonial territory II. s. semi-colonial; ~ ölkələr semicolonial countries