s. pillow-shaped, pillowlike
f. to flatten (d.); xəmiri ~ to flatten dough
f. to become* flat, to get* flattened
f. bax yastılamaq
f. bax yastılanmaq
f. bax yastılatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to flatten (d.)
i. flatness; plane
z. flat, flatways, flatwise; qılıncı ~ vurmaq to strike* with the flat of the sword
s. flat-face, flat-faced; (i.s.) with flat-face, (i.s.) having flat-face
s. bax yastısifət
I. s. I age; məktəb ~ı school age; orta ~ middle age; səkkiz ~ında at the age of eight; mənim ~ımda of my age Sənin yaşın neçədir? What is your age? A
nid. long live, bravo; Yaşa Azərbaycan! Long live, Azerbaijan!
s. life-asserting, vital; ~ qüvvə lifeasserting / vital force
i. maturity, manhood, virility; aging
f. to live; to be* alive; tək / tənha ~ to live alone / a solitary life; xoşbəxt ~ to live a happy life / happily; şən ~ to live a merry life; öz zəhm
f. to water; Soğan doğrayanda gözlərim yaşarır My eyes water when I cut onions
s.: ~ gözlər eyes wet with tears, eyes full with tears, tearful eyes
f. 1. to water (d.) Günəş gözlərimi yaşartdı The sun watered my eyes; 2. to move to tears (d.), to cause (d
f. 1. to cause / to allow to live (d.); to keep* alive (d.); 2. to immortalize (d.); qəhrəmanlığı ~ to immortalize a deed
f. to live and to create (d.)
I. i. life; living; ~ uğrunda mübarizə struggle for life II. s. 1. living; ~ şəraiti living condition; ~ səviyyəsi standard of living, living standard
i. bax yaşıd
i. person of the same age; ~ olmaq to be* (of) the same age; Onlar yaşıddırlar They are (of) the same age
s. green, verdant; ~ yarpaqlar green leaves; ~ ağaclar green trees; ~ çöllər verdant fields
s. greenish
i. zool. (the mallard) drake
s. green-eyed; (i.s.) with green eyes; (i.s.); having green eyes
f. 1. to paint green (d.); 2. to plant trees / bushes
f. 1. to be* painted green; 2. to be* covered with green grass / leaves
fi. planting of greenery (in), planting of trees and gardens (in)
f. to plant trees and green grass (in)
f. 1. to become* / to turn green; 2. (göy otla / yarpaqla örtülmək) to grow* / to turn green; to be* covered with green grass
f. bax yaşıllatmaq
f. 1. to ask / to cause smb. to paint green (d.); 2. to cause to become green (d.); 3. to ask / to cause smb
i. 1. greenness; 2. verdure; (plantations of) trees and shrubs; area covered with green grass; yaşıllığa qərq olmaq to be* covered with green grass, t
f. to ask / to cause a woman* to cover her face halfly with a headkerchief
f. to cover one’s face halfly with a headkerchief
s. aged, advanced in years
f. to wet (d.); to soak (d.); su ilə ~ to wet with water; ◊ boğazını (spirtli içki içmək) ~ d.d. to wet one’s whistle
I. f. to get* / to become* wet(ted) II. f. to become* adult; to grow* old
I. f. bax yaşlanmaq I II. f. bax yaşlanmaq II
f. to ask / to cause smb. to wet (d.)
I. s. elderly; aged II. s. in tears; gözləri ~ tears in eyes
i. wetness
i. veil (worn by oriental women)