s. 1. (rəng haq.) deep; ~ rəng deep colour; 2. (hava haq.) gloomy, lowering; ~səma gloomy sky; ~ hava gloomy weather
f. to be* darkened, to be* caused to become dark(er)
f. to darken (d.), to deepen (d.); to cause to get / to become deep; rəngi ~ to darken / to deepen the paint
i. gloominess; the state of being gloomy
i. fit, attack; paroxysm; əsəb ~sı fit / attack of nerves, nervous fit; dəlilik ~sı fit of madness
f. 1. to hold* (d.), to keep* (d.); to retain (d.), to take* (d.); to catch* (d.), to seize (d.); to contain (d
i. parrot; ~ kimi like / as a parrot; ~ kimi təkrar etmək to parrot (d.), to repeat like / as a parrot
fi. 1. astr. eclipse; günəş ~sı solar eclipse; ay ~sı lunar eclipse; tam ~ total eclipse; natamam ~ partial eclipse; 2
f. 1. to be* caught / seized; (balıq) to be* fished; 2. (həbs olunmaq) to be* arrested / under arrest; 3
s. elusive, difficult to catch
i. 1. capacity; 2. (gəmi) tonnage; ~ ölçüsü measure of capacity
s. 1. capacious; (otaq) roomy, spacious; 2. bax güclü (1-ci mənada)
i. 1. capacity; 2. bax güclülük
i. bax tutum
s. 1. incapacious; 2. clumsy, awkward; ~ hərəkət awkward movement
i. 1. the quality of being incapacious; 2. clumsiness, awkwardness
fi. confrontation, comparison
f. 1. to confront (d., with), to compare (d. to, with); 2. to embroil (d. with), to create hostility (between, among)
f. to be* confronted / compared
f. bax tutaşmaq
f. bax vurmaq (1-ci mənada); güllə ~ to send* a bullet; bir kəsə sillə ~ to give* smb. a slap / smack on the face, to give* smb
s. Touvin; ~ dili Touvinian, the Touvinian language
z.: ~ danışmaq to speak* Touvin / the Touvinian language
i. Touvinian
i. 1. (qumarda) ace; 2. (mötəbər / nüfuzlu adam) bigwig, big noise / pot, amer. big shot
I. i. parasite, sponger; idler, drone II. s. parasitic(al) III. z. parasitically; ~ həyat sürmək to live parasitically
i. parasitism, sponging
i. rifle; ~ atmaq to fire a rifle; ~ doldurmaq to load a rifle; ov ~i fowling-piece; qoşalülə ~ double-barrelled gun / piece
i. gunsmith
s. (i.s.) armed with a rifle, (i.s.) with a rifle
i. bax tüfəngqayıran
s. (i.s.) without a rifle, rifleless
i. revolt, mutiny; indignation, resentment; ~ etmək to raise* a revolt / mutiny
i. hair, down, fluff; (iynə kimi) bristle; (cavan oğlanın üzündə) fuzz; (meyvədə) bloom; ~ basmaq to be* overgrown with hair; ~lərinin abartmaq to bri
f. bax tükətmək
fi. exhaustion; ehtiyatın ~si exhaustion of resources
f. to end, to finish, to come* to an end; to be* drawing to a close; to run* low / short; səbri ~ to lose* patience / temper; Mənim səbrim tükəndi My
s. inexhaustible; ~ ehtiyat inexhaustible supply / resource
i. inexhaustibility
f. to exhaust (d.), to drain (d.); ehtiyatı ~ to exhaust / to drain the supplies; bir kəsin səbrini ~ to exhaust / to wear* out smb
f. to become* hairy / fluffy; to be* covered with fluff / down / hair; məc. to become* richer, to earn much money
s. 1. hairy; ~ qıç hairy leg; ~sinə hairy chest; 2. fluffy; ~ xəlçə fluffy carpet; 3. shaggy; ~ it a shaggy dog; ~ palto a shaggy coat; ~ dəsmal Turki
i. hairiness; shagginess, fluffiness
s. hairless; shaggiless, fluffiless
i. the state of being hairless / fluffiless
s. short-haired; (i.s.) with short hair; short-fluffed
i. old fox; artful / cunning person
I. i. fox; məc. (adam) foxy fellow; d.d. (zarafat) slyboots II. s. fox, foxy; ~ dərisi fox fur; ~ balası young fox, fox-cub; ~ izi fox track; ~ sifət
s. bax bic II