i. the state of having three-phase
s. 1. (şkaf, qapı və s.) three leaved; ~ şkaf three-leaved wardrobe; 2. (mənzil) bax üçotaqlı
s. bax üçgöz
s. bax üçbucaq
s. three-day; (i.s.) of three days; ~ müddət ərzində in / within three days; ~ iş work of three days
i. qram. trisyllabic; ~ söz trisyllable
i. qram. the state or quality of being trisyllabic
s. riyaz. trinomial; ~ tənlik trinomial equation
i. riyaz. the state of being trinomial
i. (vaxta dair) (i.s.) of three weeks; three-week; (yaşa aid) three-weekold; ~ uşaq three-week-old baby, baby of three weeks
s. three-part, (i.s.) of three parts
s. three-line, three-lined
i. the state of being three-lined
s. (i.s.) of three-years, three-year; triennial; ~ bitki triennial
s. three-cornered; ~ şlyapa threecornered hat
s. 1. threefold, triple; ~ qayda riyaz. the rule of three; ~ ölçüdə threefold, treble; ~ cərgə triple row; ~ kanat (kəndir) threeply rope; 2
s. bax üçqat
i. 1. (a group consisting of three men) tripartite; mus. trio; fortepiano üçlüyü pianoforte trio; simli alətlər üçlüyü string trio; 2
z. three of; Onlar üçlükdə işlədilər Three of them worked together
s. bax üçlüləli
s. (silah və s.) three-barrelled
i. three-manat note
s. three unknown quantities
s. bax üçmərtəbəli
s. three-storeyed; ~ bina threestoreyed building
s. (təyyarə) three-engined
s. three-shift; ~ iş three-shift work
s. bax üçoxlu
s. triaxial; ~ avtomaşın sixwheel motor vehicle, six-wheeler
s. three-room; ~ mənzil three-room flat
s. three-dimensional
s. teatr. three-act; ~ pyes threeact play
s. three-digit, three-figure (attr.)
s. three-coloured; (i.s.) of three colour; (bayraq və s.) tricolour(ed); Azərbaycanın ~ bayrağı the Azerbaijani tricolour (the national flag of Azerba
i. the state or quality of being three-coloured / tricolour(ed)
s. (i.s.) of three hours; three-hour; ~ iş three-hour work, work of three hours
s. mus. three-part (attr.)
i. the state of being three-part
s. k.t. three-row
i. the state of being three-row
s. mus. three-stringed
i. the state of being three-stringed
s. k.t. three-field (system), threefield; ~ sistemli kənd təsərrüfatı threefield system of agriculture
i. the state of being three-field system
s. bax üçgöz (1-ci mənada)
i. the state of being three-leaved
s. bax üçsimli
i. bax üçsimlilik