i. robbery, brigandage (on the road)
f. d.d. to send* (d. to), to dispatch (d. to); pul ~ to send* money; həkim dalınca ~ to send* for a doctor; məktub ~ to send* / to dispatch a letter;
f. 1. to be* sent / dispatched; Məktub yollanıb The letter has been sent / dispatched; 2. to start, to set* out; səyahətə ~ to start on a journey; 3
f. 1. to get* on (with), to agree (with), to be* on good terms (with); Onlar yollaşmırlar They don’t get on, They are at odds idiom
f. bax yollatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to send (d.) / to dispatch (d.)
f. 1. to pluck (d.); to tear* out (d.); qaz / (toyuq və s.) ~ to pluck a goose (a hen, etc.); saçını ~ to tear* one’s hair; (başqasının saçını yolmaq)
f. to pluck out / off hastily and carelessly; çiçəyi ~ to pluck off flowers
f. to snatch / to seize / to grasp (d.) by the hair / by the plait
i. 1. travelling expenses; 2. fare
s. 1. roadless; (i.s.) without a road / way; 2. məc. dissipated, dissolute; ~ adam a dissolute person / man*
i. 1. lack of (good) roads, bad condition of roads; 2. məc. dissoluteness
f. to infect (d.); açıq yaranı ~ to infect an open wound
s. infectious, contagious; ~ xəstəlik infectious / cantagious disease
i. infectiousness, contagiousness
f. to be* infected (with); difteriya ilə ~ to be* infected with diphtheria
I. fi. visit, visitation; xəstələri ~ visitation of the sick II. f. tib. infection, contagion
I. f. to visit (d.), to call (on) (d.), to come* to see (d.); xəstəni ~ to visit a sick man*; Həkim hər gün xəstəni yoluxur The doctor visits the pati
s. infectious, contagious; ~ xəstəliklər infectious / contagious diseases
s. 1. plucked; hairless; ~ qaz plucked goose; ~ qaşlar plucked eyebrows; 2. məc. poor, wretched; miserable
s. plucked; ~ etmək to pluck off / out (d.)
s. bax yoluq-yoluq
qoş. bax uğrunda
f. 1. to be* plucked; 2. məc. to be* fleeced / robbed
s. 1. plucked; ~ qaz a plucked goose; 2. hairless
f. to pluck off / out (d.); gülləri ~ to pluck / pick flowers off / out
z. 1. in transit, passing through, on the way; 2. in passing by
i. bot. lucerne, alfalfa; clover
i. area sown with lucerne / clover
f. to ask / to cause smb. to plane (d.) / to shave (d.)
f. bax yondurmaq
i. 1. (taxta yonqarı) sawdust; (metal yonqarı) filings; 2. shaving, shavings; ağac ~ı wood shavings
f. to plane (d.), to shave (d.)
f. to be* planed / shaved
i. shaving; top.i. shavings
f. 1. to shave (d.); 2. to cut* (d.), to hew (d.); şalban ~ to hew timber; daş ~ to hew stone
i.: ~ dəzgah planing-machine
f. to be* planed, to be* shaved
s. 1. unpolished, rough; not planed / shaved; 2. (adam haq.) uncouth; ~ gənc an uncouth young man
s. 1. planed, shaved; 2. cut, hewed, hewn
i. bax yonqu
I. i. 1. (yeriş) trot; 2. (at) trotter II. s.: ~ at trotter III. z.: ~ getmək to trot, to move at a trot; atı ~ sürmək to trot a horse
f. to trot, to move at a trot
f. to cause a horse to trot / to move at a trot
i. the quality of being trot
i. blanket; (sırıqlı) quilt
top.i. bedding; yorğan-döşəyə girmək to go* to bed; yorğan-döşəyə düşmək to fall* ill, to be* ill in bed; yorğan-döşəyə salmaq to drive* to illness (d
i. blanket cover / slip; (sırıqlı yorğan üçün) quilt cover / slip
s. tired, weary; şair. fatigued; ~ görkəm tired appearance; cismani ~ weary in body; ruhən ~ weary in mind; ~ səslə in a tired voice; O yorğun görünür