i. the job of a cashier
i. interior; inside; ölkənin ~i the interior of the country; otağın ~i the inside of the room; ~ etmək to include (d
z. inwardly, intuitively; ~ əzab çəkmək to suffer inwardly; ~ hiss etmək to feel* intuitively
s. 1. inside, interior, inner, internal, inward; inherent, intrinsic; ~ cib inside pocket; ~ divarlar inside walls; ~ işlər inte rior / home affairs;
i. cabin, hut, shack; bağbanın ~sı the gardener’s shack
i. a small cabin / hut / shack
z. always, at all times, constantly, continually; Günəş daim şərqdən çıxır The sun always rises in the east
z. bax daim
s. 1. constant, permanent; ~ müşahidə constant observation; ~ küləklər constant winds; ~ ünvan permanent address; ~ məkan permanent residence; 2
f. to be* made constant
f. to make* constant (d.); to immortalize (d.); (qanun-qaydanı, sistemi və s.) to perpetuate (d.)
f. to become* / to get* constant; to become* / to get* immortalized
i. constancy; permanency
fi. 1. immortalization; 2. (quruluşu, qaydanı və s.) perpetuation
z. for ever, once and for ever; d.d. for good
qoş. about, of, on, concerning, with regard to; bir problemə ~ danışmaq to speak* about / of a problem; Hindistana ~ kitab a book of India; sizin məkt
I. i. 1. circumference; circle; ~ yerin ~si the earth’s circumference; siyasi ~lərdə in political circles; rəsmi ~lər official circles / quarters; rəh
i. (small) circle
f. to make* round (d.)
f. to become* rounded; to be* rounded
s. 1. circular; ring; ~ hərəkət circular motion; ~ yol ring road; 2. ringshaped
i. the state or quality of being ring-shaped
s. round; circular; ~ stol a round table; ~ sifət a round face; ~ hərəkət circular motion; ~ marşrut (avtobus, tramvay və s
i. roundedness
i. wooden cask, barrel
s. bax yekəqarın
s. bax yekəqarınlı
i. bax yekəqarınlıq (2-ci mənada)
i. 1. back; ~ı üstə yıxılmaq to fall* on one’s back; ~ı üstə üzmək to swim* on one’s back; 2. (dal hissə) hind(er) part, back; (oturacaq) buttocks, po
z. 1. back to back; ~ yatmaq to sleep* back to back; 2. one after another; ~ durmaq to stand* one after another
z. backwards; ~ yerimək to walk back wards; ~ çəkilmək to move backwards
z. back; backwards; ~ addım atmaq to make* a step back / backwards; ~ oturmaq to sit* back; Dala durun! Stand back! ~ salmaq to keep* back; ~ baxmaq t
I. i. anat. spleen II. s. anat. splenic, splenetic; ~ soyuqlaması tib. Splenitis
f. 1. to sting*; bir kəsin əlini ~ to sting smb.’s hand; 2. məc. to bite* (d.); it kimi ~ to bite* as a dog
i. blind alley, side-street
i. yard-keeper; amer. janitor
i. the job of a yard-keeper; ~ etmək to be* a yard-keeper, to work as a yard-keeper / janitor
f. 1. to be* stung; 2. to be* bitten (by a mad / rabid dog)
f. 1. to cause smb. to quarrel; to set* at variance; köhnə dostları ~ to cause old friends to quarrel, to start a quarrel between old friends; 2
I. i. bax davakar II. s. bax davakar
i. bax davakarlıq
f. 1. to fight (d. with); Uşaqlar dalaşırlar The children are fighting; 2. (mübahisə etmək) to quarrel (with), to fall* out (with); (söyüşmək) to swea
f. bax dalatmaq
f. 1. to cause to be stung; 2. to cause to be bitten (by a mad / rabid dog)
s. stinging, biting
i. the quality of being stung
z. running, in succession; one after the other, iki gün ~ two days running; yeddi saat ~ seven hours in succession, seven hours running; Onlar dalbada
I. i. shelter, refuge; taxta ~ a wooden shelter; Biz harada dalda tapa bilərik? Where can we find refuge? II
z. now here, now there, here, there and everywhere; ~ qeybət etmək to gossip now here, now there
f. to shelter (d.), to give* shelter; (gizləmək) hide* (d.); (saxlamaq) to lay* up (d.), to put* aside (d