i. bax şovinizm
i. chauvinism, jingoism
i. 1. (kitabda) section, sector; 2. (müəssisədə) department; section; məlumat ~si information department; inquiry office; sifarişlər ~si order departm
i. reputation, fame, popularity, glory; ~ qazanmaq to gain reputation / fame / glory / popularity; to achieve / to win fame; böyük şöhrətə malik olmaq
i. ambitious, vainglorious, illustrious
i. ambition, vanity, vainglory
f. to bring* fame (to, d.); to make* famous / illustrious
f. to become* famous / illustrious
s. well-known, famous, celebrated, famed; ~ alim noted scientist; dünya ~ world-famed; ~ rəssam well-known / famous painter
I. i. ambitious man*, man* of great ambition II. s. bax şöhrətbaz
i. bax şöhrətbazlıq
s. bax şöhrətbaz
s. fameless, unknown, unpopular, infamous
i. infamy, unpopularity
i. lustre, brilliance, brilliancy, radiance; şöhrətin ~si lustre of fame; ~ saçmaq bax şölələnmək
f. to shine*, to beam; Lampa şölələndi The lamp shone
s. bright; brilliant, resplendent
i. grandour, greatness, sublimity, majesty, splendeur, magnificence
s. majestic, splendid, magnificent
i. zeal, fervour, ardour, vocation, calling, inclination
z. zealously, ardently, passionately, enthusiastically, with enthusiasm
s. inspiring, encouraging; ~ nitq an inspiring speech; ~ başlanğıc an encouraging start
f. to encourage (d.), to inspire (d.); bir kəsi bir şey etməyə ~ to encourage / to inspire smb. to do smth
f. to be* inspired, to be* filled with enthusiasm; to take* a liking (to+ger.), to be* encouraged
s. 1. zealous, ardent, earnest, fervent; 2. joyous, joyful
i. zeal, zealousness, fervency
I. s. reluctant, unwilling II. z. reluctantly, unwillingly
i. d.y. sleeper, amer. tie
I. i. miner. spar; çöl ~ı fieldspar; almaz ~ı corundum II. i. bayt. Spavin
i. tex. spindle
i. spy
i. espionage; ~ etmək to spy; to spy (on)
i. mətb. lead
i. tex. bushing key, dowel
i. dən. heel (of a mast)
i. syringe; birdəfəlik ~ single-use syringe
i. print, type; xırda ~ small print; iri / böyük ~ large print; (qalın) thick / bold type; amer. bold face; kursiv ~i italic type, italics; Qot ~i Got
i. linotype
I. i. hərb. staff, headquarters (staff); baş ~ armed forces staff; ordu ~ı headquarter( s) staff; dəniz qüvvələri ~ı naval staff II
i. 1. tex. punch; 2. (idarə) stamp; 3. (şablon) cliche; 4. məc. dilç. stock phrase; ~ vurmaq bax ştamplamaq
i. puncher; operator
f. 1. to stamp (d.); 2. tex. to punch (d.), to press (d.); 3. məc. to produce mechanically (d.)
i. puncher, stamper
s. stamped; punched; ~ məktub stamped letter
i. tex. bar, rod, beam, weight; (futbol, xokkey qapısında) cross-bar
i. id. weight-lifter
i. bax ştanqçı
I. i. staple (fabric) II. s. staple; ~ parça staple fabric
I. i. (inzibati vahid) state; Amerika Birləşmiş Ştatları the United States of America II. i. (əməkdaşların daimi tərkibi) staff, establishment; ~da ol
s. not on permanent staff; supernumerary; O, ştatdan kənar əməkdaşdır He (she) is an assistant not on the staff