f. bax tayalatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to stack (d.), to ask / to cause smb. to arrange hay in a haystack
i. haystack-maker; one who arranges hay in haystack
z.: ~ açmaq to throw* / to fling* / to thrust* open (d.); to open wide (d.); qapını ~ açmaq to open wide the door; Külək pəncərəni taybatay açdı The w
s. one-horned, unicornous
s. bax taybuynuz
s. unpaired, odd; ~ ayaqqabı an odd shoe; ~ əlcək an odd glove; ~ düşmək to be* odd / unpaired; ~ salmaq to break* a set, to mix up (one’s shoes); Bu
i. the state of being odd / unpaired
i. kin; family; stock; Bu onların tayfasına xasdır This runs in their family; yaxşı ~dan olmaq to come* of good kin; alicənab ~ noble kin
s. bax qohumbaz
i. bax qohumbazlıq
z. all the family, all one’s kin
s. one-eyed, single-eyed
s. bax taygöz
i. bax tay (3-cü mənada)
s. bax taydəyişik
i. bax taydəyişiklik
s. one-winged
s. bax tayqanad
s. one-legged
s. bax tayqıça
s. one-eared
s. bax tayqulaq
i. tankard, mug, scoop
s. one-handled
f. to be* paired up
f. to pair (d.), to pair up (d.)
f. to pair up; to find* one’s equal / match
i. equal, match; Taylı tayını tapar at. söz. ≅ Birds of a feather flock together
s. 1. matchless, pairless; (i.s.) without equal / match; 2. məc. extremely good; priceless
s. d.d. bax axsaq
i. d.d. bax axsaqlıq
f. d.d. bax axsamaq
i. greyhound; ~ kimi like greyhound, as greyhound
I. i. theatre; play-house; ~a getmək to go* to the theatre; ~da olmaq to be* at the theatre; opera ~ı opera-house; dram ~ı the drama; estrada ~ı music
f. to be* dramatized, to be* adopted for the stage, to be* theatricalized
fs. dramatized, adopted for the stage
f. to dramatize (d.), to theatricalize (d.), to adopt (d.) for the stage
i. specialist in drama study
i. theatre science, science of the theatre, drama study
i. technician; ◊ diş ~i dental mechanic
i. technique; technics pl.; təhlükəsizlik ~sı safety engineering, safety measures; elm və ~ science and engineering; hərbi ~ military equipment, weapo
s. technical; technological; ~ termin techinal term; ~ təhsil technical education; ~ tərəqqi technological progress; ~ elmlər technical sciences; ~ in
i. technical school
i. technology
i. technologist
i. 1. fringe; bang; forelock; 2. string; 3. wire; 4. telegram; ~ vurmaq to telegraph, to send* a telegram
i. teleautomatics
I. i. telephone; d.d. phone; beynəlxalq ~ trunk-line; ~la danışmaq to speak* on the telephone / phone; bir kəsə ~ etmək to telephone / to phone smb
i. telephonist, telephone-operator; ~ olmaq to be* telephonist; ~ qız telephone girl