i. k.t. (sugar-) beet grower
i. Caucasian coat, long waisted outer gar ment
s. (i.s.) with a Caucasian coat, (i.s.) having a Caucasian coat on
s. (i.s.) without a Caucasian coat (on)
s. the state of being without a Caucasian coat
i. hollow, groove, cavity, excavation
f. to make* hollow / groove / cavity
f. to become* hollowed / grooved
f. çuxurlamaq
f. bax çuxurlatmaq
f. to ask / to force smb. to hollow / to groove (d.)
i. hollow place, groove place, cavitation
I. i. cast iron II. s. cast-iron; ~ qazan cast-iron kettle / pot
i. founder, caster, smelter
s.: ~ zavodu iron founder
i. horse-cloth, horse-cover
f. to wrap up (d.); (odeyala) to blanket (d.), to cover (d.); dumana ~ to wrap in mist (d.)
f. to be* wrapped up / covered
f. bax çulğalanmaq
f. to cover / to wrap with a horsecloth (d.)
f. to be* covered / wrapped with a horse-cloth At çullandı The horse was covered with a horse-cloth
f. bax çullatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to cover (a horse, an ass, etc.), to have* (d.) covered with horse-cloth
s. (i.s.) covered with a horse-cloth
s. (i.s.) without a horse-cloth
i. the state of being without a night cap on
i. light and heelless footwear
i. cap, night cap
s. capless, (i.s.) without a night cap on
i. sack, a large bag
i. a big needle
I. i. (kişi) Chuvash; (qadın) Chuvash woman II. s. Chuvash; ~ dili Chuvash, the Chuvash language
z. Chuvash; ~ danışmaq to speak Chuvash; ~ yazmaq to write in Chuvash; ~ demək to stay in Chuvash
bağ. because, as, since, for; Uşaqlar meşəyə gedə bilmədilər, çunki yağış yağırdı The children could not go to the forest because / as / for it was ra
s. rotten, putrid; (diş haq.) decayed; elm. carious
I. i. bore, nuisance, smal-minded man II. s. borthersome; small-minded, bor ing, irksome
i. meanness, pettiness, pedantry
i. putrefaction, putridity
f. 1. to rot, to decompose; (diş) to decay, to become* carious; 2. (süd) to curdle; (qan) to coagulate
i. humus, rotten stuff, rot
i. rottenness; putridity
f. to rot (d.), to let* rot (d.) ◊ haqq-hesabı ~ 1) settle accounts (with), to reckon (with); to settle up; 2) (qisas almaq) to get* even (with), to t
D, d the 5th letter of the Azerbaijani alphabet
əd. 1. also, (cümlənin sonunda) too, (inkar cümlələrdə) either; O da gedəcək He / She will also go, He / She will go too; Onlar da getməyəcəklər They
i. tannery; ◊ ~da gönünü tanımaq to know* (d.) thoroughly / deeply
i. bayt. foot-and-mouth disease; ~ olmaq to fall* / to get* ill with footand-mouth disease, to be* taken ill with foot-and-mouth disease
s. bayt. (i.s.) (fallen) ill with footand-mouth disease; ~ heyvan cattle (fallen) ill with foot-and-mouth disease
i. heel; hündür ~ ayaqqabı highheeled shoes; alçaq ~ ayaqqabı lowheeled shoes; ◊ ~ almaq to run* away, to go* away; təpədən ~a qədər from head to foot
z.:~ zidd diametrically opposite
i. heel-tap