i. 1. small horn, hornlet; 2. (ayaq qabı geymək üçün) shoe-horn
f. 1. to butt (d.), to kick by horns, to give* a butt; 2. (buynuzdan yapışmaq) to take* a grip on the animal’s horns
f. 1. to be* butted; 2. to be* gripped by the horns
f. to butt each other, to horn each other
s. horned; ~ heyvan (horned) cattle; ~ inək horned cow; iri ~ heyvan cattle, neat cattle; xırda ~ heyvan small cattle; sheep and goats
i. the state of having horns
s. hornless; ~ heyvan pollard; ~ inək hornless cow, poll-cow
i. hornlessness
s. horn-shaped
i. the state of being horn shaped
s. horn-shaped; elm. corniculate
i. bax buynuzşəkillilik
i. command, order
i. 1. master of ceremonies, manager; 2. servant
f. 1. to order, to command; 2. to ask smb. to do smth. Buyurun! Please!
f. to make* smb. order / ask smth
i. bax buyruqçu
i. bax buyruq
f. to be* sent / asked, to be* ordered (to do smth.)
I. i. ice; ~ bağlamaq to ice up, to be* covered with ice; ~a dönmək to become* iced, to turn into ice; (soyumaq) to get* cold, to cool (down); ~ kimi
i. bax buzsatan
i. iceberg; (sürüşmək üçün) ice-run
i. yeast; ~lə qatılmış xəmir yeast dough
i. 1. ice-house, ice-safe; 2. ice-box, refrigerator
i. a man* working in the icehouse
i. 1. ice-cutter; 2. id. (alət) ice-axe
I. i. ice-breaker II. s.: ~ gəmi icebreaker, ice-boat; ~ donanma ice-breaker fleet
I. i. geol. glacier II. s. geol. glacial; ~ dövrü glacial epoch / period, iceage
fi. being covered with ice, icing up
f. 1. to freeze; 2. (buzla örtülmək) to be* covered with ice, to ice up; 3. (üşümək) to become* numb with cold; to be* icy; Əllərim buzlayıb My hands
f. to ice up (d.), to cover with ice(d.); to freeze (d.)
f. to ice over, to become* covered with ice, to ice up
fs. ice-covered, ice-coated
f. bax buzlanmaq
s. icy; (i.s.) covered with ice; ~ yollar icy roads; ~ su water with ice; şimal ~ okeanı the Arctic Ocean
i. 1. (ərzaq saxlamaq üçün yer) ice-house; (soyuducu) ice-box; 2. (sahə) place covered with ice, ice field
i. iciness
I. i. calf; ~ otarmaq to graze / to pasture a calf (calves) II. s. calf; ~ damı calfhouse, calf-shed; ~ əti veal
i. calfherd; herdsman*
f. to calve
f. to cause to calve (d.)
s. (i.s.) with a calf, (i.s.) having a calf
i. 1. uterus of the cow; 2. calfhouse, calfshed
i. calf-herd
i. one who sells ice; amer. iceman*
I. i. mal. budget; ~də nəzərdə tutmaq to budget for; ~nin gəlir hissəsi revenue; ~nin xərclənən hissəsi expenditure; cari il üçün ~nin yerinə yetirilm
s. stumbling
fi. 1. stumbling; 2. məc. deviation from the truth / the right way
f. 1. to stumble; 2. məc. to take* a false step, to make* a mistake, to get* off the point
z.: ~ getmək to stumble / to stagger along