f. to be* widened / broadened
f. to broaden, to widen, to expand, to gain in breadth, to become* widened / broadened; Çay bu yerdə genəlir The river broadens (out) at this point
f. to ask / to cause s.o. to widen (d.), to ask / to force s.o. to broaden (d.); to cause s.o. to expand (d
f. to enlarge (d.), to widen (d.); to expand (d.); təsir dairəsini ~ to extend the sphere of influence; yolu ~ to widen the road
I. s. wide, broad, large; spacious, vast; extensive; ~ qapı wide door; ~ yol wide road; ~ ekran broad screen; ~ dünyagörüşü broad outlook; ~ mənada in
s. (i.s.) with a large forehead
s. wide-screen; ~ film widescreen film
s. capacious; large, vast, broad
s. broad-chested; ~ kişi / adam a broad-chested man* / person
s. open-hearted, broad-minded; ~ adam an open-hearted man* / person
z. broad-mindedly, openheartedly
i. open-heartedness, broadmindedness
f. to be* widened / broadened, to become* vast / larger
f. to wide (d.), to broad (d.), to enlarge (d.)
f. to broaden (d.), to enlarge (d.), to widen (d.); dünyagörüşünü ~ to widen the mind; to broaden the outlook; təsir dairəsini ~ to extend the sphere
f. to expand, to dilate, to become* wider / broader; Qızdırıldıqda metallar genişlənir Metals expand when they are heated; Onun gözləri dəhşətdən geni
f. bax genişlətmək
f. to cause to become wider / broader / larger
i. broadness, largeness, expanse, spaciousness, wide
s. (paltar) loose, easy-fitting; somewhat large / broad
s. bax genişqəlbli
i. bax genişqəlblilik
f. 1. (qovmaq) to drive* out (d.), to turn out (d.); to turn out of the house; 2. bax azıtmaq
i. geobotany
i. geodesist
i. geodesy
i. geophysics
s. geophysical
i. geochemistry
s. geochemical
i. geology
s. geological
i. geologist
s. geocentric
i. geocentrism
i. arms pl., coat of arms; Dövlət ~i State Emblem, National Emblem
I. s. true, trustworthy; actual, real II. z. truly, correctly
z. truly, seriously, in earnest; Siz gerçəkdən danışırsınız?! Are you serious?!
f. bax gerçəkləşmək
f. to be* going to become true, to become* true / real
z. truly, really
i. reality, life; trustworthiness; müasir ~ present-day reality / life; imkanı gerçəkliyə çevirmək to turn possibility into reality; gerçəkliyə çevril
z. back, backwards; ~ addım atmaq to make* a step back / backwards; ~ vermək / qaytarmaq to return (d
z. backwards; ~ getmək to walk backwards, to go* / to move backwards
z. behind; ~ qoymaq to leave* (far) behind (d.); Bütün çətinliklər geridə qalıb All hardships have been left behind
z. from behind
fi. lag, lagging, behind; ~ni aradan qaldırmaq to eliminate the lag, to catch* up with the arrears
f. 1. to fall* / to lag behind; (bir işi yerinə yetirməkdə) to be* behindhand; 2. (arıqlamaq) to lose* flesh, to grow* thin
f. to cause to fall / to lag behind
i. backwardness; lagging behind, lag; geriliyi aradan qaldırmaq to catch* up with the arrears