f. to be* spooned
f. to ask / to cause smb. to spoon (d.)
s. (i.s.) with a spoon; (i.s.) having a spoon
f. 1. to scratch (d.), 2. to scrape (d.); Rəngləməzdən əvvəl o, qapını qaşıdı He / She scraped the door before painting it
f. to scratch, to itch; to cause (d.) to scratch / to itch
fi. 1. itch, itching; 2. scraping; 3. tib. scab, scabies; (heyvanda) mange
f. 1. to itch; to scratch oneself; Mənim hər yerim qaşınır I itch all over; Onun burnu qaşınır His / Her nose itches; ovucu ~ to have* an itching palm
f. 1. to ask / to cause smb. to itch (d.); 2. to ask / to cause smb. to scrape (d.)
f. bax qaşıtdırmaq
s. starred, white-faced; ~ at starred horse
i. frown, scowl; qaşqabağını tökmək / sallamaq / turşutmaq to frown, to scowl, to knit* one’s brows; ~ göstərmək to gloom, to sulk, to scowl; bir kəsə
I. s. gloomy, sulky, sullen; cheerless; ~ olmaq to have* a fit of the sulks, to be* in the fit of the sulks II
i. gloominess, sulkiness, sullenness; cheerlessness
i. zool. coot
i. curry-comb, horse-comb; ~ çəkmək bax qaşovlamaq
f. to curry (d.); at ~ to curry a horse
f. to be* curried
f. bax qaşovlatmaq
f. to ask / to cause smb. to curry (d.); to have* (d.) curried; atını ~ to have* one’s horse curried
I. s. eyebrowless II. s. (i.s.) without precious stone, (i.s.) having no precious stone (of a ring)
I. i. the state of being eyebrowless II. i. the state of being without precious stone
s. anat. superciliary
i. 1. (həm müst. həm də məc.) layer; gil ~ı a layer of clay; torpaq ~ı a layer of earth; 2. geol. stratum, bed; qaya ~ları rock beds; 3
s. bax qat-qarışıq
s. 1. entangled, knotty; intricate, involved; ~ məsələ knotty / intricate question; ~ arqument entangled argument; 2
i. 1. entanglement, confusion; 2. disorder; ~ salmaq to put* into disorder (d.), to disarrange (d.); to make* untidy
I. s. 1. pleated; ~ tuman / yubka pleated skirt; 2. puff, flaky; ~ piroq puffpastry; ~ xəmir puff / flaky paste; 3
i. 1. train; sərnişin ~ı passenger train; sürət ~ı fast train; sanitar ~ı hospital train; fəhlə ~ı workman’s train; yük ~ı goods train; amer
z. in strings, in flocks; ~ uçmaq to fly* in flocks
f. to line up (d.), to draw* up (d.), to make* a line / train (d.)
f. to line up; to form up; to be* formed up / lined up
f. to line up, to draw* up, to make* a train / line
s. (i.s.) with a bandoleer / a cartridge-belt
z. in layers; ~ kəsmək to cut* in layers
s. 1. thick, dense; ~ şorba thick soup; ~ qaymaq thick cream; ~ tüstü dense smoke; ~ duman thick fog / mist; 2
s. unused, quite new; ~ döşəkağı unused bed-sheet
f. to mix up (d.), to muddle up (d.), to put* into disorder (d.), to complicate (d.)
i. sour clotted milk; Caucasian milk; ~ çalmaq to ferment milk
fi. thickening; (qan) clotting; condensation
f. to become* / to get* thicker; to become* / to get* condensed; (qan) to clot
s. 1. thickener; 2. (cihaz) condenser
f. to be* thickened / condensed; (qanı) to be* clotted
fs. condensed, evaporated; ~ süd condensed / evaporated milk
f. to thicken (d.),to condense (d.); (qanı) to clot (d.); (buxarlatmaq yolu ilə) to evaporate (d.)
fi. thickening; condensation; (buxarlanma yolu ilə) evaporation
f. to thicken, to get* / to grow* / to become* thicker; (qan) to coagulate, to clot; Duman qatılaşır The fog is thickening, The fog is getting / growi
fs. bax qatılaşdırılmış
f. to thicken (of), to condensed (d.); (qan) to clot (d.)
i. thickness, density; coagulation, clot
fi. mixing, dilution