f. to be* singed, to be* scorched
fs. scorched, singed
f. to singe (d.); to become* / to get* singed
f. to become* / to get* singed / scorched
f. to singe (d.), to scorch (d.)
I. i. the front, fore-part; ~ya gəlmək to come* to the front; ~sını almaq to prevent (from+ger.), to let* (d
z. 1. vis-a-vis fr.; front to front, opposite each other; ~ oturmaq to sit* visa-vis; Biz naharda qarşı-qarşıya oturduq We sat vis-a-vis at dinner; 2
s. forthcoming; ~ seçkilər forthcoming elections
z. from the front, at the front; Qarşıdan qatar gəlirdi A train was coming in the opposite direction
i. confrontation, counteraction; opposition
f. to meet*(d.), to greet (d.); to go* out to meet; bir kəsi soyuq ~ to meet* smb. coldly; to give* smb
fi. meeting
f. to be* met, to be* greeted, to be* welcomed; Qonaqlar hər yerdə səmimiyyətlə qarşılandı The guests were met / greeted heartily everywhere
s. proceeding from opposite direction; on-coming; ~ qatarlar on coming trains
f. 1. to be* compared / contrasted; 2. to be* confronted
fi. 1. constrasting, comparison; 2. confrontation, contraposition; ~ metodu method of comparison
f. 1. to compare (d.); 2. to contrast (d.)
f. to meet* (d. with); (təsadüfən) to come* / to run* across (d.); (təkbətəkə, həm də məc.) to encounter (d
I. i. equivalent; corresponding; ingilis sözlərinin qarşılığı the equivalent of English words II. s. 1
I. s. mutual, reciprocal; ~ kömək mutual aid / assistance, reciprocal aid; ~hörmət mutual respect; ~ etibar mutual confidence; ~ fayda mutual benefit
s. 1. irresistible; ~ zərbə irresistible blow; 2. inevitable; ~ konflikt inevitable conflict
i. 1. irresistibility; 2. inevitability
qoş. in front of, before; evin ~ in front of the house; şəklin ~ before the picture; məhkəmə ~ before the court; məhkəmə ~ durmaq to appear before the
s. 1. old, very old; ~ toyuq old hen; 2. hardened, inveterate; ~ düşmən hardened / inveterate enemy
z.: ~ danışmaq to speak* arrogantly / haughtily
I. i. zool. eagle; dağ ~ı mountain eagle II. s. eagle’s; məc. eagle; aquiline; ~ yuvası eagle’s nest, eyrie, aery; ~ balası eaglet; ~ baxışlı eagle ey
s. aquiline nose
s. bax qartalburun
i. the state of having aquiline nose
f. to scrape (d.), to scratch (d.)
f. 1. (qocalmaq) to grow* old; to lose* freshness; 2. (özünü qaşımaq) to scratch oneself
I. i. snow-plow, snow-plough, (rotorlu) snow blower II. s. snow-cleaning; ~ maşın snow-cleaning machine; ~ kürək snow-shovel
f. 1. to grow* old / hardened; 2. to lose? freshness
fs. bax qartlaşmış
I. f. to grow* old / decrepit II. f. to scratch (d.)
I. f. to become* / to get* old II. f. to scratch oneself roughly
f. 1. to become* / to grow* very old; 2. to become* hardened, to grow* to full size; 3. to lose* freshness, to grow* coarse
fs. grown old, hardened, advanced in age; ~ qız old maid, spinster
i. 1. old age, decrepitude, (qocalıqda) senile infirmity; 2. coarseness, roughness
i. scab; ~la örtülmək to get* scabbed, to be* covered with scabs
f. to scab (over), to get* scabbed, to be*covered with scabs
f. bax qartmaqlanmaq
s. scabby, (i.s.) covered with scabs, (i.s.) having scabs
i. snowball; (oyun) snowball fight; ~ oynamaq to play snowballs, to have* a snowball fight, to throw* snowballs; Gəlin qartopu oynayaq Let’s play at s
I. i. worsted (yarn) II. s. worsted; ~ iplik worsted yarn
i. shell; qoz qarzağı nutshell
f. to shell (d.); qozu / lobyanı / noxudu və s. ~ to shell nuts / beans / peas, etc
f. to shell; to be* shelled
s. (i.s.) with shell, (i.s.) having shell
I. i. anat. tib. groin II. s. anat. inguinal; ~ yırtığı inguinal hernia